Friday, December 31, 2010

another 30mins and Happy New Year

yep got up and went for the run this morning.
30mins in blocks of 7.5mins. felt fine but some slight discomfort at the end. not limping or anything-just aware of the left hip(as i have been after hte elliptical)
rather than panic i headed onto the internet to check it out. Apparently it is quite normal to have some slight discomfot when comning back from a stress fracture, i noticed a few articles which described 'phantom pain' or the brain is thinking the pain there and another who said basically you become hyper alert to that site.
Im not overly worried and will mention to Karen. it onl lasted for a bit and wasnt pain.
so wouldve done just over 5kms but it felt better than last time so whilst i was still happy to have my walk breaks, i am getting there-SLOWLY

the PLAN
Stu says i will mainly be training with the 400m runners when i come back with a few slightly longer reps but no more than 600s. Given that i wont really have a base nor time to build one, we are going to probably have to work on shorter sharper.
i will only be racing the 400s and 800s at states this year.

i checked out Ems blog from 2007 to see what was probs next on my program(sorry Em-a bit of stalking there-lol)
after the 4x7.5mins for 3 non consecutive days and then the 3 x10mins(which i start next Tuesday) it appeared she did 4x10min and then 3x15mins and then was pretty much back to doing other speed and stuff, so i have my fingers crossed that im only two-ish weeks away from starting reps.

oh and i bought another Garmin-YES another garmin, as i killed hte last one by leaving it charging for about two weeks

am quite broke i have to say, been overspending a bit
-will need to tighten the belt a bit and hopefully also lose weight so the belt isnt quite so tight.... d'oh

happy New Year
NO resolutions for me, just try to enjoy my running, run some pbs, stay injury free, manage my back as best i can, and of course just enjoy the other things-and maybe buy a doggie :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

..its almost like real running

yep 30 mins of running today. im almost like a real runner! 4 lots of 7.5mins and it felt better than te last few times too. We went to Gellibrand park which is near the airport, nice soft ground small rolling hills but gee it was hot. i just went out and back-stu continued on with his group and apparently he and someone else had to jump over a snake that ACTUALLY reared up a bit, i woulda got BITTEN for sure......................... lol
then went out to lunch, dd my rehab
This is a hard hard exercise.(easier in shoes)
you get up onto you toes and then do squats in front of the mirror. the other one(i cant quite manage) is on one leg, up on the toe and then calf raises. i can do a one legged squat and tehn about 5 heel raises so i am at least getting better i suppose.
My physio always tells me i wont be able to do them properly at first

oh yeah spent ages at the stupor market, i love wandering aimlessly around just looking at EVERYTHING and hten when we cam home stu made us a crushed ice vodka thingy

and past for dinner which is my absolute fave fave dinner -yum yum yum

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


am back running a bit
last set was 5mins jogging 1 min walking x5. ummm i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fat and unfit its not funny

hip wasnt sore but it wasnt fabbo today so i put hte TENS machine on it which seems to have helped a lot.just paranoid probably

tomorrow is 7.5mins at a go with 1min walk so haf hour f running is becooming more like it.
Have taken a rest day as my leggies were tired. have trained for 5 consecutive days(on the elliptical and bike on hte alternate days
am going on a detox on 2nd jan. have bought the detox thing-i was patient and waited 4 days til the sales so it cost $65 instead of $110

and went on a shopping spree yesterday. bought a new doona plus a new quilt set plus new sheet set amongst other i didnt spend enough over xmas

and stu bought me an ipod nano which is pretty cool
and how funny is this.........................
we were at Myer shopping before xmas and stu shoves some perfume under my nose and i went ewwww yuck that's horrible. Turns out thats the one he had bought me so he had to slink off to hte shops the next day and buy a different one. LOL, i felt pretty bad when he told me.
Anyway the Docle and Gabbana one is much nicer

anyway i have lost my blog feeds. Em is the only one i recovered so please send me your feed addresses either on here or through facebook
hope you all had a great Chrissy and New Year

Sunday, December 19, 2010

unfit fatty boombah

well teh good news is it is more running than walking now.
woohoo have progressed to 2min walk/3min jog and thursday will be 1 min walk/4 mi n jog

OMG i am soooooo unfit, the first two jogs i felt shocking -after that it was fine, its like my body has to remember that i even LIKE to run.
Putting on 2and a bit kgs in the down time certainly hasnt helped though-a january detox is definitely on the cards

am on holidays which is making the rehab easier. after my run/walk today, i went to the gym and did 20mins on the bike followed by a weights session with all my rehab exercise about to be done in 5 mins!

im contemplating trying spin, i know i cant stand up or put it in heavy gear but it may make it SLIGHTLY more interesting.
anyway ill see how it goes.
i will post before but happy chrissy if i dont ... and also im having trouble getting into bloglines which is bit of a bugger

Friday, December 10, 2010

..ive been a bad little BLOGGER-ETTE

yep havent been blogging, havent even really been reading them (sorry guys)
been in a bit of a wasteland of work and reports and feeling a bit srry for myself. Been having a terrible ime with the back. slightly better now-althouhg i did have to get up in the middle of the night to take an anti inflamm two nights ago

anyway after 83 days of not running, Karen has given me the all clear to start my program
day 1 and 3
4mins walk, 1 min jog x4 yep a whole 4 mins of jogging.

oh well its a start. and after 83 days off, it is inevitable that all running fitness is gone. Not sure that i couldve run 10mins even had i been

and im allowed to start water running in 5 mins lots(up to 15 mins)

anyway she seems happy and thinks thst i should be back doing repos by the start of feb which still gives me a chance to be back for the state masters(not necessarily runing well however.....)

i will start blogging again and also reading them now that im on holidays..... YAY

Thursday, November 25, 2010


not happy with barney at the moment. NEVER am at this time of the year-too much marking/report writing and sitting.
back is being a complete little tot tha is having a tanty
im doing physio once per week, clinical pilates plus wearing my brace not really much more i can do!

the one EXTREMELY positive thing is that my back used to be like this (and worse) all day every day, at least now it just flares up for a week (or 3)
am taped up like a mummy so cant BEND at all at the minnie-im an attractive girl, me

one more week and ill start to regroup-just have to suck it up til then :(

went for a30min stationary bike ride, which helped moderately, cos i could barely move before(been marking from about 8.30 til 5pm)

HAVE BEEN ON the(oops caps lock) elliptical every 2nd day. my psoas(which has been the issue) is okay but my TFL is pretty lousy at the mo

im trying to be in denial about hte back and ignore it, teh wines are helping (now)

Monday, November 22, 2010

...cmon two weeks-hurrrrrrrrrry up

im desperately hoping that karen will say i can run on dec 9th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i keep forgetting and want to get somehwere quicker so i jog and then i go OOPS not allowed to do that.
but surely thats a good sign cos i forgot and it doesnt hurt

im not about to start going out for runs tho-im being good girl

had a VERY sore back today so i took the day off.never great when its report writing time.(and we went to shepparton on the weeeknd which ois always disastrous for the back-that long in a car ughghgh
anyway was to-ing and fro-ing about the gym(cardio) but decided to go. and then it hurt for a minnie on the bike but it did actually loosen it up.first 17mins 90rpm but couoldnt get the HR over 115.... then got on teh elliptical and had it between 135-140 for 15mins, and then 12 more mins on the bike 90rpm and at least this time hte HR was at about 120-123.
find it hard to ge teh HR up on the bike
anyway it seems to be a but higherif i do it on the elliptical

oh and my aerobic ftness must be improving...... my HR in the morning use to be 48-52 and when i stopped doing ANY exercise it was 60ish, it now seems to have come back down to hte low 50s so that is something i suppose.

did my rehab-which included clams plus other stuff, plus squats on tippy toes-but im not quite there yet so i need the swiss ball to keep me upright
then realised i had clinical pilates tonight-d'oh! she wasnt as tough as last week but it was more leg work so there were a few shakes

if karen doest let me run in 2 weeks i will be GUTTED, im pretty sure she will though. IT HAS BEEN 9 WEEKS ALREADY YOU KNOW (sept 19th) since i last had a run :(

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

so im still in this qasi injured-qasi allowed to execise state of mind :( :)

yes im allowed to exercise.......................YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

i went and saw karen-
K-you ARE so much better than 2 weeks ago
K-heres your plan for the next four weeks
w1-30mins bike and alternate days 10mins elliptical/20min walk
w2/3 30min bike and alernate days 15mins elliptical/25min walk
w4 30min boke and alternate days 20mins elliptical/30in walk

ummmm karen you said i was good, but theres no running yet.............................
nope when you come back next time..............................................
so it will be 11 weeks by that stage

having said that i have been doing my rehab probs 5/7 days er week and feel quite strong now in that region

work is about to busy but im just about BUSTING out of my skin to run. DAILY-i think maybe i could just run for a min and then i go its not worth it...... am struggling a bit with the NOT running
i feel like i could run
it is TOUGH-i got told this would be the difficult time cos i feel good

ive even been doing core work plus push ups with my rehab-pity im such a fatty boobah at the mo :(
and im not joking-ive put on 4 kgs this year

Monday, November 1, 2010

.. the thwarter of evil................

HOW is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the pool today 40mins swimming with a pool buoy-is actually easier than normal swimming-only need to breathe every 5th or 6th stroke..
then some rehab in the warm warm hydro pool
anyway i usually leave my clothes in teh changeroom so they dont get wet but put my wallet towel etc and put it near the lane im swimming in-

ANYWAY...get back to the changeroom and theres my clothes with a person very closely on either side. errr wheres my jeans.
miss j excalims rather loudly -someone has TAKEN my jeans-UNBELIEVABLE. i look to the right and say somethig to the girl next to me. and then i look to the left at the little asian women with her daughter and say - excuse me but you havent 'accidentally' packed my jeans in your bag have you
the damn lady is WEARING jeans -its not by fricking ACCIDENT- she has tried to STEAL my fricking jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i let her play the bimbo and pretend that she did it by accident..
i laughed when she left and said to the girl next to me
'that is unbelievable'
omg-she said- i saw a pair of jeans in her bag and thought- who bring s a spare pair of jeans
me: what was i going to wearr out to the car OMG- and we both laughed for a bit

to say i was flabberghasted is a WHOPPING HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT TO TH N"TH DEGREE

anyway bad kharma for her. my undies were inside my jeans-so when she gets home she will find my undies there. YEP she stole my bloody undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was still laughing when i got to my car-undie-less but not humour-less (woulda been a different story if i was jeans-less methinks though!)

oh and stu and i have some new friends.!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1000 of them in fact.

well stu didnt like it when i said that so i have decided that they are my pets. i fed them toight- i was all excited - and we bought them a blanket and everything. yep we now have WORMS for our compost-blessed little things.. heehee

just dont ask me there names....ROFL

stu just keeps rolling his eyes at me though

and i guess at the end of a day like today- i have to admit
i really am "ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE" that weirdo things just SEEM to INEXPLICABLY happen to that dont happen to other people- and on a fairly regular basis.

my old flatmate once said, when i was telling one of my seemingly normal for me but 'un-normal' for normal people stories, that i was like a cartoon character.. haha
my life was always going to have odd moments when i had a sewing needle in my belly for the first 10 years of my life... what does one expect after that really...............................

oh and went for a 15 min walk(right on the upper limit for me)
20 min stationary bike at teh gym
then some weights with DT who tried to kill my arms- i told stu tomorrow my arms will feel like they are painted on... heehee.. i think that was ANOTHER eye rolling moment
then ab work
then 40min swimming-sort of!!!refer above

oh and even with all the shenanigans of today-when i get to do >1hour of exercise, i am back to being happy little camper jojo

ps- the moral of todays story-keep your eyes on your jeans/undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

it's been a while.......

a couple of weeks ago i was still allowed to water run. Having since been told im not allowed to water run it has been a partcularly sedentary few weeks
so miss jo hasnt been the happiest nor non-grumpiest person to live with

In the meantime i have changed doctors and gone back to Dr Karen. She doesnt think it is a stress fracture- she thinks it is the precursor to that- a stress reaction. Still treated teh same way but potentially back running 4 weeks earlier.
which is some good news :) hopefully
am allowd on a stationary bike as of last thursday
so 20mins on thursday-only allowd to do light resistance and no reps yet-starting at 20ish mins at approx 90 revs per minute

stu is making me do a detox and ive broken a few times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well a lot really, its now more of a trying to eat healthy MORE regularly

Sunday, October 10, 2010

..suck it up princess

..yep time for me to stop wallowing and get back on with the job of recovery....

i have NOT been in the best of moods of late i have to say. been cranky about the i njury, been struggling BIG time on the crutches. it is VERY exhausting going up and down a bzillion stairs every day. I now have organised that my rooms are on the same floor as me
-anyway i had to have a whole week off training as per instructions and started back yesterday

30min water run on friday
50mins water run today and then on crutches when walking around highpoint-sore hands and arms but oH WELL
as the heading says -suck it up princess!

so i am BACK on the start of recovery. its going to take around 20 weeks proabably, 12 of the no running, then the slow walk/jog back over multiple weeks

so whilst still a bit down spirit wise, i am restarting

Monday, September 27, 2010

.take your pick............ :(

of titles that is- see below (got the results today) IS a frickn stress fracture after all
...of course BUYING crutches in APRIL was a good idea
...JOJO is MAJORLY pissed off
..whats that doc?12 weeks of NO running, ARE you mad?
...why the F^CK didnt it show up on the bone scan then...........
.. there goes my frickn season.............
..did i knock a runner over in my car in my last life or something huh? CANNOT be serious that its MY turn for another BIG injury ALREADY

yeah they kinda get the gist across methinks. no LOL because i am pretty f&ckng annoyed actually

the bones scan didnt show up a stress fracture. apparently there is a small window when a bone scan will not show it up. HOwever the MRI did-i wasnt even completely surprised really, he kept telling me after the bone scan he was surprised because i was presenting LIKE a stressie and he did say the MRI could show us if it was internal rotators in the hip and also was a 2nd opinion on the bone scan about a stressie

okay, im a baby and i kinda cried when he told me. Basically my whole SUMMER season is GONE now, thats the whole reason i train you know :(
am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay sad.
it was made worse by the fact that i was told on friday that it was ruled out by the bone scan(but again the pain wasnt localised, and all the research i did still kinda pointed that way)

NOt only that, the femoral neck stressie takes a LONG LONG time to recover. I wont even be starting to think about a run/walk program for another 12 weeks. so probs wont run again this year.
not allowed on the bike, can continue water running if it doesnt hurt and am BACK ON frickn CRUTCHES :(
oh and i cant even do clinical pilates. yay fu&ing yay

-apparently you should NOT try hopping when you have a suspected stress fracture in that area as it can fracture right through and then require surgery-um after being told friday i didnt have one, i have been attempting hopping every day.... lucky i found out quickly-apparently the stressie goes about 40% of the way through the bone already

off to camp tomorrow(on crutches-how fun to be on an aths camp and NOT able to run-arent i a joy at the moment, im sure stu is happy im going away, as i am grumplestiltskin-and i ONLY found out today)

and what im really NOT NOT And i mean NOT looking forward to is all the comments at work while im on crutches again(3rd time in 2 years)
yep thats why i dont run
sport is bad for you
oh jo you are always injured
give up on the running

beacuse im going to find it really hard to bite my tongue and not say STFU, i think i may have to get my steely glare out and storm out on my crutches, which is hardly elegant ,,lol

on the other side of things
yes im feeling sorry for myself(big time) at the moment but.......................
i know the following about me as well though

yes im injured
yes its pretty bad
yes its a long recovery
i WILL suck it up and do deep water running and i WILL not lose all my fitness and i WILL get back to running, and whilst it wont be pretty or fast, i still may be able to at least try to compete in the masters champ next april-that will be my new goal, no times just back on the racing circuit without reinjuring myself

ive had worse injuries than this try to knock me off and keep me off running, barney the back springs to mind
and i guess my TAN run the other day wasnt as bad as i thought now. i pb'd most likely with a stress fracture(no wonder i had to stop and walk from the pain up the hill). obviousy shouldnt have run it. i knew before the run that with my pain tolerance and knowing how much it hurt it wasnt right

anyone up for a water run?, im your girl- after all i am the fricking expert. i should become a DWR instructor

Thursday, September 23, 2010

whew.NOT a stressie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spent most of the day at the drs today. after seeing a sports doctor yesterday he said i was presenting like it was potentially a stress fracture at the head of hte femoral bone
(as all the issues are weight bearing)
anyway had the radioactive dye, went to the dr, and he is pretty confident that it is NOt a stressie.
so what is it????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Now that the pain is a little more localised, the weakness seems to be when a lateral movement is performed so he now thinks potentiallya DEEP stabiliser of the hip such as the roatotr cuff(who knew there was one there) or something around about there.
PLAN- MRI monday followed by perhaps a cortisone injection followed by strengthening of the are
MAN the budget is NOT loving me at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tried to do a session on the bike at the track but the pedal broke off-yes it bruised my ankle lol (as when a pedal falls off you bang your ankle against the thing that is supposed to be attached) and couldnt get it back on d'oh!!!!!

i may have to buy a wind trainer i think- camp next week so will decide when i get back and see where im at, otherwise if its long term it may be me imploring Em to borrow hers again(although at this rate maybe i should just buy one)

not a happy little camper i have to say

NO IDEA of rehab- NO IDEA of time frame but am happy its not a stressie

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

chlorine STINKS and im over it already

..sigh, no running since the weekend.
63min pool session sunday
40min pool session monday-with the last 5mins without the belt
and today i did the equivalent of 6x1km(@4.20min/km) with 70s recoveries

and then 15 mins of swimming laps

and then physio- to be informed i wont be running anywhere in the next week and i need to go get an MRI to make sure that there is no joint issue

did clinical pilates last night which was hard but good and can do some of the activities at home-tummy is a bit sore today

am so over the whole being injured thing. this is the 3rd time this season, achilles, stupid fall at the YY and now a hip prob that has had me running 3or 4 times in the last 4 weeks. im a but grumpy about it and am on an ATHS camp next week where i was looking forward to training

have eaten well teh last two days(but still had some naughty wines) even stu today looked at a photo of me from the masters games(last year) and said you look skinnier there.. sigh i was about 3ish kgs lighter which is the mi nimum i need to lose

Sunday, September 19, 2010

a race, some waddling and XCR in review

..i knew hte TAN was never going to be pretty with my hip being sore, TOM, and also 2 weeks on from a half marathon. Stu has alwasy told me that you dont run a good tan time 2 weeks after a half, so my expectations were not high

went for the warm up jog and was alarmed at just how sore my hip was. We had a spare girl so i asked stu if he could actually replace me... no ive submitted the teams (I still think he couldve if he wanted to- i was quite concerned as seriusly it did not feel nice....
previous years i have run 17.3x, 17.3x,17.21 and 17.19 last year. dont run to expectation, i should be a sub 17min runnner but just cant pick the speed back up afte hte hill

anyway started off at the right pace (4.24 for the first km-which included the start of the hill)4.41 which included the hill so thats okay (i did walk for 5m up the hill-hip was sore and i seem to be soft) but the disappointing km was the 3rd where i just couldnt pick it up 4.37 and then the last 800m at 4.23 EDIT oops thats 4.23min/km pace which is 3.36 for the 800m

stu says i was way too slow OVER the hill but thats all i could muster. considering that its 2 weeks after a half and i ran a 2s pb 17.17 thats not too bad an effort.

MAN did i struggle though, it felt like i wouldnt finish :(
limping for hte rest of the day so 63 min water run today.

so XCR in review(and then the fight)
R3-sandown 10km, 47.25 not long back into training after the achilles.
R4-ballarat 15km pb over this course/distance, didnt love the run but got through
R5-coliban 7.9km in around 39 mins -felt terrible couldnt breathe and a pleasure
R6-bundoora- didnt have a team and after working all morning opted out(which i shouldnt have)
YOU YANGS 15km race-took a nasty tumble and lknees gashed to shreds
R7-brimbank 6km -knees still banadaged and weeping, walked the big hill over 30mins but a reasonable run considering
R8-sandown relays- 6.2km ran 27.30 which is only 3s slower than last year so STARTING to get back
R9-burnley half- 1.44.x feet ached for 15km and there was no joy
R10 -Tan relay 17.17 2 s pb

not a good season overall but i did tough it out. Walked in multiple races
(4 times-different reasons but basically soft, coliban couldnt breathe and spewed, brimbank-big hills and couldnt put pressure on messy knees, sandown 5 steps to have some ventolin on the back straight, tan - anderson st 5 m as hip was pretty sore+im soft)
which i havent done previousl

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

hmmm the effect lingers

..yep half marathons are STOOOPID
i already knew that

i aso knew that if my hip was sore enough to be limping 4 days out from the half, it would hurt afterwards. yep it is STILL hurting. went for a run yesterday-pulled the session short as it was sore
did 3kms of effort-just needed to make sure i could get through it so i can run and not let the team down mid race this week.. 3.8km around the TAN
anyway water running today 35mins plus 10 laps of swimming(25mt pool)
funny my tummy muscles feel quite worked out today

anyway i have made the EXECUTIVE decision that i will give the hip another two days of recovery so rather than training at the track tomorrow 9i will take the session into the pool

ughghgghgh boring but i know it is the right thing to do

traditionally i dont run the TAN well, but you know what, even tho everyone keeps saying no-one ever runs agood tan after a half, my last two TANS have been crappy so maybe ill pb-who knows!

been to the physio twice about the hip(and the back)
am about to start clinical pilates on monday(40 dollars a pop)

Friday, September 10, 2010

OOPS ive done it again

.seriously i am rather pathetic....
youre not gonna believe this- i have completely lost my keys AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and to make matters worse this time i do NOT have a spare car key. so ive been on PT for 3 hours going to get my car, assuming my keys are at school!!!!!!!!!!! NO-toodle back on hte train, go check out centre management where i lost them last time just in case they have turned up....NOPE

so off to holden to buy keys but have to wait half a day.... ummmm they cost 232 dollars each!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thats uncut
and now i have to get a locksmith to cut a key from NO KEY and he has to try and do something to computerise it with the car o something and hes not sure he can which will mean a tow truck and getting holden to do its $150 for him to come out, then it will be towing plus 65 on top of that. the cheapest i can get out of it is $600, more likely 800

oh and top of that, i hadnt realised when i left my last job that since i was being paid leave that it went past the 1st of july and sicne i didnt get a certificate cos 2 years later i had forgotten, the tax depart ment hav informed me that i didnt decalre it so im going to owe about $1000

now listen, the two are NOT related but please please please NEVER ever ever send me a fkn chain lette. i got sent one hte other day saying if you send this on you will come into money and if you dont, something bad will happen to you on saturday(which was last saturday and i was fine)

but why would someone who is supposedly YOUR friend send you ANYTHING that says if you dont do thi you will have bad luck

oh and the some of the 16 year old girls on my train line literally are white trailer trash- dropping the F-bomb plus C-Bomb on a prolific scale and yelling loudly about drugs and having to get money etc,

yep im in a GREAT mood........................... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

and i want to buy a pool-i cant afford it but i do want one! maybe in 2 or 3 years

Sunday, September 5, 2010

..a half, yep im certainly not BUILT for them certainly not built for running half marathons thats for damn sure!!!!!!!!!

in the warm up my flexor was a bit sore which had me worried, but the flexor was okay for most of the race, However, my feet went numb at about 4kms which is rather annoying, but at 6kms things went from bad to worse and the feet started aching, like not in a small way...really badly aching. and this season i appear to have become a walker. i had to walk for 5 steps on about 8 occasion to alleviate some of the pai n. it was REALLY bad.
my own fault- i was wearing near new shoes, but given they are brooks that i have worn for years i thought it would be okay. what i did forget was that sometimes when i start my new brooks my feet go a bit numb til they start to mould to my feet :(
i felt like i was going to cry i was in so much pain. i gave up on the sub 100min pb early on, not nice conditions anyway, windy and i have no ticker and should stik to 800m.

the course was 200m long and i missed my pb (1.43.17) running 1.44.17 or something

shocking shocking run and this WINTER has been a BUST for me. no pbs :( but i am getting close to my times of last year at least

have just been doing homeowork and i am totally tired now. i think i want chips for dinner :)

whoever invented stupid half marathons

oh and the flexor got tired about 16kms
here are my splits : will update later when i get my garmin-its more than 2 m away so too far

Friday, September 3, 2010

..when does racing get easier???

i would consider myself a fairly experienced runner. i knew i would be in teh 2nd team(the girl put above me trains waaaaay faster than me) but being competitive i was always wanting to 'beat' her time. ive been having breathing issues for hte last 4 weeks or so(cold weather and trying to keep a cold at bay) anywauy i ran with my puffer and after about 4.5kms had to stop and walk for 5steps and have a'puff' :( only 3 secs slower than lat year so not too bad but wouldve liked to have gone faster, 13.35 in the first lap and i felt gone!!!!! at 3.1km but managed to come home i 13.55 including a walk-so not too bad

been having some issues this week with my glutes and hip flexors... and im not talking small issues. was limping on wed, couldnt contemplate running thursday and was a maybe today... stu doesnt seem to understand the importance of resting sometimes
:if you cant run the days leadin up you may as well withdraw"
"no, a couple of days rest means i MAY be able to run and i can still withdraw on sunday"

so anti-inflamming at the moment and have been on the tennis ball(which is helping for hte tight glute

sooooooo tired though. 2 x parent teacher nights this week and relays til 8.30 last night for school has left this little black duck EXHAUSTED
and at work tomorrow morning from 8-12(yep leave at 7am-its been a f-er of a weeek

Thursday, August 26, 2010

..that's a bit better

well yesterday run of 30 mins felt like crap. legs didnt want to move-just felt heavy and niggly. left shin very sore(i iced) and my whole glute/hip area feels VERY tight. struggled for the 30mins but got the tick in the box

today my legs felt really tired again... a bit of a theme huh

anyway the set was 6x400m at approx 90s with 2 min standing we never get standing revovery anymore... woohoo
2 reps were at 90 and the rest were at 88s.. legs were working though, but it wasnt what i would call a HARD set. stu said it right when he said a solid set

hmmmm tired..i really need a nap/sleep

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

..bucketing down

not really much fun when it is bucketing down and the wind is massive massive

stu has wanted me to do 3x1200 m but there really was no chance in the horrific conditions. as it was our usual 800s of 3.12 were dropped back to 100s laps(and couldnt even keep this up)

the 2 young girls started out way too fast in the first lap-i went my pace(had to stop to do up shoe laces at 500m d'oh) and went through about 3.38(incliding shoe lace

2nd rep girls went out too fast in the first lap and i overtook them in the 2nd lap same for the 3rd rep. was having tummy issues, had to go to toilet 4 times, 3 times before training and once after the third rep..been happening a bit lately

my reps were 3.23-3.26 which isnt ridiculous since it really was dreadful, no big recovery either, justa diagonal walk across and start immediately

trying to keep this cold at bay-have been sniffling for 2.5 weeks now. it just has to wait til AFTER the half!!!!!!!!!!!!

very tired, had to write an extra assemsssment task bc someone else was incompetent...grr am exhausted

Monday, August 23, 2010

..busy miss lizzie

yep that title seems to be the order of the day. no running today bc i hd stupid parent teacher night
okay so sunday 100min run..OMG the legs were dead dead dead for the last 10mins but felt pretty good the rest of the run, much better than last week. had a gu-yeah not too bad
average about 5.40 which is okay since there was some walking up turnatable(which is a horrible horrible hill, but i ran more of it than last time. just under 18kms. biggest run of the year

then had a massage .OMG everything was tight and the guy just went for it, no gentle-he was pretty full on-im still pretty sore today

and way tired

Saturday, August 21, 2010

.hmmmm ok so im a whiny little track runner

.. yep that just about sums me up

hate hate hate the tempo run. yes i know others(more disciplined runners than me).. anyway off to work in hte morning then home and was NOT looking forward to it.
i have NEVER been able to run 7kms at tempo ie 4.43 pace and have always modified to some extent ie 2kms here,1km there

anyway pretty damn windy so i jogged one way for 2kms and was surprised how leaden my legs were. i had worked out i could have the wind on my side for 5kms(bar a few spots) and then into the wind for 2kms. did mean i had to cross a road twice

anyway started off and surprisingly felt okay, thinking okay this isnt too bad. 4.42,4.42,4.41,4.35,4.39,4.35,4.41 so with 2 road crosses(turned off the watch) and at the 5km turnaround, i did stop for 20s for a drink and 2 horrible km into the wind. was stuffed at about 5km and after walking 200m and could barely stay under 6min/kms when jogging the last 1 km

so 7kms average 4.39, cant believe i actually made the set- the wind in the back
yes i am awhiny little track runner. but then i HATE this set-it sinificantly reduces my appreciation of running and i am after all a TRACK runner. dont think i should have to do this one really. yes im doing a half(my choice) and yes i know it is good for me, but really it just sucks the big one(well it does for this little black duck)-especially when running alone. i think the first words i said to stu were -dont talk to me

and you should have seen me drag my sorry ass in the door. i was SMASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not really a distance runnner methinks-coming back feeling all good after a run-nope i come back like something thats been run over by a car

and where was my damn sausage sizzle when i voted. unaustralian!!! hmph

then off to a party for 3 year olds...ummm sorry love but surely you realised giving out whistles to kids 1/3 of the way into a party IS NO a good fricking idea.!!! OMG- i haaaaaaaaate whistles

a busy busy day

Friday, August 20, 2010

a few days WHIPPED by

..last couple of days have been a blur....
work is busy(what's new-and EVERYONE is busy, all of you guys are-everyone thinks they are busy-so maybe IM not and its a preconception that we all have.... lol )

anyway-wednesday feeling pretty average and SKIPPED my run(how slack miss jo) and had a 1 hour sleep as soon as i got home :( slack slack slack

thursday-still on hte codral cold and flu-breathing not great but not terrible either-took the ventolin and the 400,200float,400,200float,400 x3 got changed to 6x200with 200 float x2

IT WAS SO WET,raining on us and just hideous weather.fot to track late, semi warmed up on the concrete that was protected from the howling weather. fortunately the rain and wind started to die down, but big puddles on the trck and running in brooks adrenalines are not light shoes. anyway first 6 x200s were 44-45s. felt fast but probs more bc i hadnt warmed up properly. hd planned to do 20 but got a bit carried away the next set
all 41s with 20 floats and was WRECKED at the end of the 2nd set. so 12 reps was it and left it at that-shoulda kept them all at 44 and woulda made 15-16

anyway didnt want to run today but forced myself to do a 45min water run

oh and my set tomorrow is 3k warm up cool down and 7km run at half mara pace. ive told stu i can't do this set-i dont know why-but i seem unable to, my half is really not that far off my 10km race pace and i seem to be able to hold it for a long time, but i CANNOT do it in training, i am working really hard at that pace-like ummmmm racing. But something comes over me (and others) in a race, and taking 10s off per km from your 'tempo' run doesnt seem too big a deal.
anyway according to him, if i cant do that set, then i cant run the half in under 100mins. i haven't lost ALL hope just yet-i did manage to race that pace for 15kms, and i race SUPER SUBSTANTIALLY better than i train over the longer stuff. i am a track runner and CANT manage the training long tempo run but i suggest i can suck it up for ONE day. anyway we will see how i go at the half-but i think stu is being too negative over this ONE training session that i have never in my whole life been able to do-i couldn;t do it the one year when i ran 1.43 either! i may be fooling myself however

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

-colds.seriously-what are they good for

..seriously EVERYONE at work seems to have a cold, and my little mucous mebranes and sore-throated-ness ahve gone out in sympathy
i am steadfastly fighting the little bugger however, as it has not taken a hold YET(but is trying to)

no running yesterday, mainly because there was no time-6 on at school, aths training for the boys and straight into parent teacher mode- EXHAUSTED at the end of the day

todays set was initally supposed to be 5 x1kms but stu had decided b4 the session that 5x800s were more in keeping. i had informed stu that i had a little cold and was breathing not overly well just normally so i would have to see how i go. i tend To have a little breathing issue in very cold weather and also use ventolin when i have a cold.
so used the puffer, still was breathing average
cant remember if 3.14/15/16 but knew i couldnt breathe, was considering stopping
2..27(600 only) on pace at 400/dropping off at 600
used the puffer now cos breathing NOT great
stu said i could do 600 but felt good at 600 and mainatine

so a pretty good set really... not 100% just gotta keep this STUPID cold at bay

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm so excited

and i just cant hide it

i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and i mean sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to be coming home today. evryone is annoying me. Now that it seems mum is going o be okay she's driving me crazy. i think she's watched too many soaps, she appears to pause for dramatic effect. she showed me some modem and is just staring at me, err yes its a modem

anyway after spending that amount of time with an obnoxious 14 year old(there was sooo much fighting-it really does my head in), it is definitely time to get back home and see my lovely bf ...

reality-ah how i have missed it, im even looking forward to going back to work, less effort/stress than this week has been i can tell you

running-can you believe it, coachy coach is letting me have a day off today.....woohoo. 90 mins tomorrow woo-not
yesterdays session.the legs were NOT happy. i struggled on the way there.anyway did 1.5km warm up(under duress) and stu said to do drills but well i didnt feel like it so got straight on with theset. he wasnt 5 or 6 sets of 3mineffort,2min shuffle
well apparently when the grass is lush and soft underfoot, one cannot expect tehir effort to be the same as when the session is done on the track. woeful paces of 4.30-4.40min/km-shouldve been closer to 4.10-4.15 and also i let myself walk for 30s before i jogged the recovery AND i needed a drink between each rep. it was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i was also running just after midday)
so 5 sets and then forced myself to doa 1km cool down equated to 7kms-legs were pretty tuckered out too
a 43 km week isnt too bad for me considering all the upheaval of the week
my good weeks are 45-50, lol i really do race off MINIMAL kms

but then its the racing i love, not the training so much(sometimes i like the training-not often when im by myself though-maybe im inherently lazy...hehe)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

stair crazy-get it,,,huh!

whew what a day, where to start
got lost on the way to the radiologist-it was like a farce from a movie seen, im somehow in front of my sisters car and theyre gesticulating wildly from the car behind, how am i supposed to know pull over and let us pass is different from turn left here...... lol they were pointing left hysterically-

anyway once in for the operation i was all scatty and pacing so went for a run. stu asked me to do 7kms at half mara paxe 4.40-4.45min/ thats also pretty close to my 10km pace, and i seem to be able to race a whole LOT FASTER than my trainng implies. i knew it would be too hard but thought id give it a go
managed to last for only 300m the first go and thought -you know what, todays not the day. also are there any fricking paths longer than about 2kms here? i cant find them. ended up running on the road in a bike lane with a fair amount of traffic and crossing multiple roundabouts-not conducive to fast running. found about a 1km bit of road with bike path(on the road). then jogged a bit and did 1km at 4.42 then jogged then did 2kms at same pace so i thought it was okay,but i didnt hit the set. did 7 difficult kms.legs dont love me at the moment
:( how mean setting my coach is giving me that set(notice i use my coach not my

then he said i should try it agin today, i tried to tell him this is NOT a set i can do by myself when i dont have a path that just goes. im NO good at locating paths whilst in full flight..anyway as soon as i set off today it was windy and i went nup, going to jog instead
did 30mins(strugglesville had a hotel room with my name on the booking sheet, and then did a stair session(was fun) and hard!
6x6 floors of stairs
Each floor 14 stairs(in 2 lots of 7 with a 180 degree turn)-took approx 30-32s-im surprised thats all it took,and thats with me doing two steps in the turn around so i would be facing the stairs square on to protect my back from doing a sideways leap

i then walked down quickly, 60-70s walk recovery(again surprised it only take 1min to do 6 floors!!!) and off i went again
this certainly worked up a sweat, and 5 mins jog cool down

oh and due to the power outage(7hours) i have actually walked up and down to level 7, 6 times apart from my training set, so have traversed up at LEAST 1000 stairs today...hence the title(but a pun on stir crazy too-hehe i do make myself laugh)

AM STUFFED. oh yeah quad a but niggly, but i think thats from the 25 lunges per leg that i did in the waiting room(yes there were other people but it was a BIG room,whilst mum was in theatre(also did some bridges in the waiting room) have i mentioned im not good at just sitting in one spot for long periods... lol
my fobese nephew did nothing but EAT crap the whole time. "OH jo he doesnt hve to watch what he eats today...." didnt say it but thought, why NOT-surely its importnt to teach good eating habit during times of stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for my mother-the operation went well(we think) will have final confirmation once the nodes are tested for 'hotspots' but it looked okay apparently.but then(she has allergies) and had an allergic reaction to the pain medication and vomited for hours this morning(i had to leave the hopsital(i went shopping-i cant take vomiting)) so she wasnt released but should be tomorrow

going to buy her a laptop tomorrow(then she wont be so stressed about getting in to work when she does radiatoi therapy) just a basic one...oh yeah probs shouldve told stu i was doing that... lol,
does anyone remember that ad for the State Bank, its your money Ralph

having a MOJITO-actually change that to HAD hehe

stress level way lower than two days ago.missing my lovely bf, he is a keeper that one!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

hectic couple of days

am sitting in the airport-just finished a wine(would like another actually) on he way to GC to be there for my mums operation(will know more tomorrow)
sundays run-90mins OMG 8 hideous kms of yukky wind and legs only liked about the 20-45min mark
was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tired after and drove to hampton for party and that took one and a half hours to get home.................................
then in bed by 8.30(only just made it til

monday busy day at work -getting organised for the rest of the week, then aths training followed by my own lethargic run(i do LIKE running, just after the 90mins yesterday was tuckred out)
then dinner date with my beautiful bf, then marking 3/4 of a stack of tests, then packing then hitting the hay,
tried to sleep til my alarm but stu decided to be annoying and was just being a big goofball so no sleep in for me, then work correcting, correcting, doing reports, teaching and then finally at the airport...wheew it has been busy
ps i changed bars and got anoth drink

why did you change bars you may well ask,
well i knew i was going to leave soon to be at least NEAR my terminal and i saw these ppl looking for a table and couoldnt find one so were going to sit at the bar so i told them they could take my table, so i left kinda mid sentence but fortunately did not lose all of the blog... woohoo

hopefully some good news tomorrow.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

..and the slug is back

OMG after the glorious run of yesterday, how can things change back so quick.
are these my legs, why wont they keep moving. today the slug was in control. did a very slow impersonation of a slug-even stopped for a few time.
today can not be considered anything more than a tick in the box. 7kms slower than i would normally be-adittedly on terrin thats not super easy going..but anyhow

ughghghghg and my long run tomorrow(probs 90mins????) may have to be a solo run....
all the juniors are taking a rest for a few weeks and lots of the women seem to be on a running hiatus at the moment(also some are away too)
ANYWAY still trying to secure a partner for tomorrow

please please please

Friday, August 6, 2010

..trained like a gun!

yep feeling chuffed with myself tonight after an absolutely WOEFUL display on wednesday where i was the slug girl. did a 40min run(boooooring 20mins off the track and then 20mins of laps-(i dont really like to run in the dark, after the colossal knee injury of 2008!

so tonights session stu had set was 5(ish) 1kms in just over 4min kms.(i havent done 1km reps for quite some time and havent done more than 2 of them and since i couldnt even manage that pace (96 s laps or 4min kms)for 800s the other day i was somewhat concerned)
anyway bree and i were quite happy to hear that stu decided 2x1km,2x800 ans 2x600 -he remembered that he had initially said 600s then changed to 1kms so i guess it was a compromise(who'd a thunk that stu knew how to compromise..hehe-funny gal i am!!!!

1km 4.01
1km 4.01
800 3.12(right on 4 min pace)
800 3.13
600 2.24(right on 4min pace)
600 2.25

stu probs wanted only 2min breaks but i needed 2and half between the 1kms, and then took 2mins for hte other breaks. tough set i gotta say but i NAILED it!!!!!! woohoo. about time!!!
and that was even with my friend struggling(she is generally faster than me but she had an off day and did 1km,1km,400,600,400,600

yay me! one knee wept a tiny bit but thats it! still cant do butt kicks and everytime i forget and kinda try to squat down my scabs and scar tissue le me know, but they are healing extremley well!!!!!!!!!!!!

off to gold coast on some upsetting news last week. my mother has breast cancer (malignant) so im going up for her operation and staying a few days after. the doctors hope to get it all out,but i still want to be there.pretty sad , of course, but i amtrying to look on the bright side. the old lady, as annoying as she can be, i do love the silly thing. now i know dates and have booked flights etc, i feel like im now doing something at least

anyway, lets not dwell- tonight was an awesome run-go me :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

am i a runner or a slug

.sometimes the question BEGS, nay screams out to me...
what would normally be a doable set was infinitely impossible!

yes it was raining, ye si was running through puddles...but ummm who was that slacker running-dont get me wrong i was WORKING my ass off!

supposed to be 96s lap so 3.12 800s x 5 or 6

first rep 94s,second 94s, then tummy issues, then a longer break as a result. 94, told stu i felt like complete crap, my eyes were in the;i feel shit mode" its hard to explain, its like i cant fully open them and after 500m i stopped my next rep
so up to now my 600s had been in approx 2.25 , i decided no more 800s if i could do 600 well and good
next 600 was in 2.30! OMG thats a big dropoff, the next one was even slower, slower than 100s laps(that hasnt happened for like 2 years) 2,34!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i worked at a good intensity but my speed was complete rubbish(I DAREN'T EVEN USE term speed)
light jog tonight 40ins as i couldnt get ot the track til 5.30
have changed my reps to wed/fri this week
either 1kms or 600s tomorrow.pleeeeeease let it be 600s
i am soo impressed by Ems kms. i do 45-50kms in a week and feel like i have run FOREVER!, i need her sort of commitment, i am officially SOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill have to chat about it sometime, im sure if i committed to 60kms week, i would see improvement and more importantly maybe some weight loss(feeling a bit fatty boombah-ish)
ahh sigh i want ot be a better runner, but am i prepared to do the hard yards?? and do the 'sleeplek' im unconvinced that I can be such a good girl-
next year i might give it a go i think-but i do hate runnning in the dark-so much more likely to fall over(and thats NOT a joke but a reality :(
sighhghghghg why cant i be a better runner without the hard yards... lol
just give me a 42-3 10km, a sub 2.30 800 a 5.20 1500 a 64 400 a sub 100 half and ill be all sorted... umm yeah and i know-not fricking likely!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

..a new way to run

okey dokey
thursday still struggling to walk down stairs,had to compensate one leg and get both legs on one step etc
quite impressive how fast ones body can heal
on friday still very sore but walking down stairs okay. so decide to trot a bit at the track
did approx 2km, but when i tried to do strides, the 'pulling' on the knee was quite bad and couldnt really push off and wasnt lifting legs well
pretty stingy afterwards

then work this morning and out to brimbank, nup not racing, just running
got to the start line(still couldnt do strides), took off conservatively, and then saw a girl from my club and though, hmm maybe ill work up to her, not sure i want her to beat me. worked up(def faster in the flat) came up to a mother of a hill, knew it would be two much for my weeping knees and walked up the hill, probs didnt lose too much time as i reckon i gained it back in the next km,
there was another hill i also walked a bit of...IM soft as, well maybe not SOFT, i did run with bandaged and weeping and very sore knees, but im hill soft!
i had the course as 6.2km? em how bout you? so if its 6.2 then i ran under 5min kms(corssed 6km in 29.30 and then 6.2km in 30.20. anyway, happy enough with that.
not too shabby- probs the toughest cross country course i have ever run. seriously, when i looked up and saw teh hill, i "EXPLETED" rather loudly

Thursday, July 29, 2010

day 4 and the healing begins

..the knees are getting significantly better every single day. can now walk up the stairs, but not down properly(ill post a pic later)

so no running, not much to report.

got some bad family news yesterday which is very depressing and i had a good cry, but it may be okay. its a wait and see thing

anyway busy day at work today. and here is the pic

Sunday, July 25, 2010

i wish there was nother title but KERSPLATTTTT it is!(and a cple of graphic photos)


yep yep

does any more really need to be said

i have to say- i was ON FIRE tody-running REALLY well.super happy with how i was going, yes maybe a tad too hard early but felt good, USED the downhill to advantage-and im usually a nanna on downhill, i even overtook someone! did a bit of walking though in the hills. got past 10kms and was about 53ish mins with a mega hill but with a hard part to go. but KNEW i was goi ng to SMASH 90 mins(aimed for about that)

toodling along nicely- before kapow, shezamm im on the floor, landed on both knees

of course i have a little panic.2 years ago-a TERRIBLE case of cellutlitis- but at elast i can keep running this time but HAVE doen BOTH knees. very sore, was walking quite a bit, getting a bit, well how am i going to finish, i need to wash myself so i dont get cellulitis :(

someone runs past-im standing there not even running

'have you got any water

nope-are you okay

yeah, theres an aid station soon and then a bit of jogging and a fair amount of walking

a lot more ppl ask as you would expect, then FINALLY finally get to the aid station but they really werent much CHOP

heres some wet paper towel.. ummm that kinda leaves fibres on me. can i just have water.trying to get rid of some of the crap- it is very very dirty. then they have gone

'do you want some wet wipes'

err no, do you have a bandage(meaning gauze of some descript)

and they bring out one of those stretchy OUTSIDE bandages(OMG can you imagine trying to get that F%$#er off-good lord!!!)

err no no no no- just water

'do you want us to get a lift back'

'no that all right, ill run' (its gonna be 2.5km)

'it's 2,5kms you know"

"yes its ONLY 2.5kms so i will be able to run, they do have a full first aid stattion there yeah(they had told me they didnt really have much)

i had been there a whilewhich i was kind spewing about. then ran back-ouchies but moved along, but couldnt put any pressure on the knees up the hill(as one might expect) so walked(probs woulda anyway!)

finished in 91mins so not too bad, disappointed to be beaten by someone in my club who i was ahead, silly i know, but i HAD put in the work and was minutes ahead :(

hoping the knee does not get infected, am alreay on teh anti cellulitis meds. stinging like hell really

-do i feel sorry for myself..not net but if it gets infected and i cant run for weeks, then YES

oh and the chemist is looking at my knees going-its still dirty you need to scrub it with a rish(i did do this with my hands, but umm one part of my knee is at least .5cm deep, i CANNOT scrub it- i felt like crying here cos i knew..... anyway after consultation we decide to send me to the dr

who was a SHMA- he gave it a little clean, and when ive gone arent you going to clean it all?

no it will be too painful

err,not running for four weeks cos it gets infected will be more painful

anyway- theyre all like you need some serious painkillers and i was given codeine. dont get me wrong-it stings and is pretty damn shit right now,(and i may need them tomorrow) but surely people need to try to tolerate a bit of pain

anyway sorry about the graphic photos

dont look if you are squeamish-and the first one is right leg, then left leg-right feels worse

Thursday, July 22, 2010

..who is the fairest maiden in the land-definitely someone else, who is the biggest idiot in the land-well that might be ME how is it that two weeks ago i managed all my 400 reps with 200 recov at a pace of 87-91
??????? perhaps i was training too hard?????
??????? i did have people to tack onto

whereas tonight
-i was the pacer-the others did 300s except for 2 other gals
-some girly issues
-ran in my heavy shoes instead of my zooms
-no stu to try to stick with
90.96,97 WTF
yeah well off my game today-and i was WORKING HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe my body was in auto-u have a tough15kmer on sunday-this is all youre a llowed to do

or im just SHIT! lol probably the latter

did a 40min wate run yesterday-
um-to the title- who is the biggest idiot of them all???- apparently when they were handing out the stupid genes, all i heard was a question and being the goody two shoes that i am, i kept volunteering before i realised what i was frigging volunteering for
miss jo has a super busy day at work yesterdy and toodles off in jojo land where all is pleasant and heads off to the pool. disappointingly it was an outdoor pool(never a fave) -have left my purse in the carand only put the 5.50 in my pocket for the pool-whatta clever girl-then no one can steal my little wallet
sounds reasonable..... realise when doing my water run out in the cold LAST NIGHT that ummmmmmmmmm dufus head jojo left her towel in the car OMFG and it is FREEZING and ummmmmmmm no money to EVEN hire a towel... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
okay deal with it softy- yep ill just have to dry myself with my errrr my singlet.
OKAY best piece of advice- drying oneself with a singlet is not much fun! also when one forgets their towel and is already very cold, it REALLY REALLY and i mean REALLY doesnt help when there arent any hot showers(not even warm-who knows what happened. but puuuuurlease did it have to be the day i forgot my towel and was hypo-friggin-thermic!!!!!!!!!\\
hehe, only there wasnt much hehe yesterday it was more like f%$#&^% and F%^&^%% and a bit more f&^&*^&$%#$)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

yes david- a good training session

got to training feeling hungry-never a good
also nearly the special visitor time equates to not necessarily good running form.anyway the set was 3min on,2min jog, 2min on, 1min jog,30s on,30s jog, with active 2min recovery after(include 30s drink stop time) and DO this x 3!
i started off quite easy(even tho it felt kinda hard) and sat 10mins off the main pack(who i often sit with), thinking i didnt want to go too hard too early
by the second and third set i was with the pack and feeling pretty good(working but not at the right level)- much better tah the first time i did this set and nearly spewed after going too hard too early

so tonights training session ended up being remarkably good...shouldve known it would be when stu informed others i was feeling average, and my immediate response was NO im

so very happy with the set- yes david, it WAS enjoyable... have iced the achilles-some residual(and expected) soreness but nothing too bad

Sunday, July 18, 2010 motivation to race

..yep i did utter those words.
sore shins, super tight calves, working and standing on my feet ALL morning and most importantly NO FRICKING team which meant NO POINTS
i mean cmon girls-we only need 4 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway i had offered to run in the mens if needed(12km ughghg) warmed up ready and then told no they were all present -wooho
so instead i ran the route backwards and crisscrossed and got to see lots of the race. it is quite hilly really. anyway i ran about 8.5kms and was a super tired gal last night

sleep in today and then an 11.5km run on the flats of riverbend today.legs still tired(have been for a while) and hten a massage and my calves do feel markedly better(shins were niggly on the run today, see how the mssge helps that

oh yeah thursday
was to do 400s with 200 floats but stu said i could do 300s and walk back-so did 67,65,65,63,62,61 and all up about 6km

getting there and hopefully the legs are getting used to the extra kms.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

..think im getting a cold

..feeling blah today (and yesterdy) not bad yet, but like im on the way to getting a cold, bit phlegmy and a sore throat starting and a headache on the way
..god knows why i stayed up til 11.30 last night, bed at about 9.30 tonight methinks

anyway legs are WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY sore, very sore in the shins and super tight in the calves. didnt do any running today-just felt very tired and decided to have a nap instead

yesterday legs were still feeling quite trashed and so were stu's so an easier set than the planned
so did a longer warm up 2.2km, then stairs and 400ish m of drills plus 4x100m strides,
then 5x200 efforts but not fast approx 44s, then slowed with one fo the girls(she was feeling lousy and teary so i sat with her and then got her to run bit faster too!), then just under 2km cool down

worn out little chickadee

Monday, July 12, 2010

you yangs i decided to run most of the you yangs course that im doing in 2 weeks

wow my cales are sore today-dont know if its because of saturdays race followed by a HARD run at the YY but im not even walking properly-been trying to stretch all day

the run will be fun, but tough, thank god im only doing 15km. thats enough for this little tack runner.
another race this weekend.whew a lotta racing in a row, 3 weeks out of 4 15km,break,10km,7.9km

just a water run today.40mins.also same for wed. back has been pretty bad lately so it does need some TLC at the moment. the students back tomorrow and my busiest day of hte cycle

Saturday, July 10, 2010

..shocking day at the office

..i know i may have said it before but today was truly the worst run i have EVER had(and i have had some shockers)
wouldve expected at most 36:xx for the 7.9km ummm waaaaaaaay slower
let me show you the splits and then the explanation
4.45, 5.05, 4.57,4.41, 4.42, 5.18(WTF),4.43, 4.17 (4.32min/km)
ummmmmm i felt terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible

in the first km it felt like i couldnt breathe, could not get in enough air. i dont know if it was teh freezing conidtions or what but felt shocking..
after 1.5km i had to walk 10m to try to get some sembalnce of breath, then started again seriuly pondering how on earth i was going to get through this. next km bad-had to walk a 10m on a small incline(not even a big one)-i struggled to restart, then at 3km tried to talk myself up and had some downhill so just kinda hung on... still felt like shit, cmon jo just get to 5km, just get to 5km
then had a mass headwind when on the road section-ughghghghghg nearly walked even on the downhill section...see the 5.18 min km, i think this is where i walked once and also stopped on the side of teh road and had a little spew, then at 5.5 the guy goes its 2km downhill and at least i ran the rest of this, the whole run was horrendous, i felt like i was going to faint at one point. I just dont know what was wrong with me, i just couldnt get any air in,
i dont have asthma, but do get asthma when i get a cold, i dont have a cold but maybe hte cold air

look i dont know, i just know that im glad i finished as it was probably the most horrendous race i have ever done :( felt shocking afterwards, shaking from cold for ages-felt grey

anyway somehow my absymal run did not affect my team standings-no one form my div passed me so we won the div 2 womens team which is excellent.
how embarrasing though, im in hte top team and had to walk multiple times(not even on big inclines)
shitty shitty shitty with myself. the girl in the team below me beat me on the same leg. truly I SUCKED, no other means about it so dont try to tell me any different

Thursday, July 8, 2010 hte shorter stuff

..the thursday session alwasy suits me better than the tuesday as it is shorter

now, i know they base all HR things on averages which means some can be above average and some below. now my HR is low enough resting but can go up pretty high. my max HR is def higher than others-or no way could i train at the intensity i am training at and continue for the duration, so be warned the HR will seem high
tonight's set 400s with 200 shuffle until 3 efforts done then standing rest up to 9reps

well here are my times, ave HR for the lap,
400- 87.55s , (151bpm), 87s recovery then
400- 90.8s, (171bpm), 104s recovery then
400- 89.87s, (175bpm), 4.06min recovery-had to wait for stu to return from the toilet

at this stage stu informed us he was changing to 300s with the others, i decided to stick to 400s-WTF -who is that talking-lso meant i was the front pace
400- 87.43s , (158bpm), 86s recovery then
400- 91.12s , (180bpm), 84s recovery then
400- 89.62s , (182bpm), 87s recovery then2.07min rest

decided to change to 300s as i would be doing 400s by myself and quite apparently working hard, not getting the heart rate down between the 2nd and third set but still feeling ok
300-65.59s (equiv to 87.45 400) (165bpm) 88s recovery,
300-67.25s(equiv to 89.6s 400) (178bpm) 93 s recovery
300- 65.75s(equiv to 87.67 400) (181bpm)

so a good set, and obviously working hard but i kept the intensity for the whole time, and before hte last rep, my HR was still 166 so i was nowhere near recovered and still pulled out a 65

ive just bought a TIMEX HR monitor and lap counter(i find hte garmin too bulky for track)-got a great deal $135 which is HEAPS cheaper than i couldve bought here. there werent any lap counters with HR (strap) that were under $200 in the shops

i think itll be interstingly to take a look at HRs for a bit and see how it goes. tonights set was faster than the previous two times i did this session so all smiles.
racing coliban saturday
hey Em, what leg are you running?corrie?
im doing leg 4

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 dorothy, click your heels together 3 times

..yay im HOME.............
and i cant remember if dorothy clicks the red shoes together 3 or 4 times either, i think 3

am RATHER happy to be home i must say
my freind ran extremely well in the mara on sund 3.06nett,3.07 gun. she pulled up really well too which was pleasing
anyway stayed in an apartment with a couple of ppl and was quite happy to go solo and spend night in the hotel.
the hotel amenities and eevrything were fantastic. even maanged a water run(got a bit dizzy) as it was about a 4x4m bit that was deep enough. anyway timing perfect-finishing just as all the kids descended.
now when i say the hotel was great-that was first impressions
the didnt give me soap, id asked once and then went back down

..can i please have some soap as i want to take a shower
..we've run out of soap,the suppliers etc etc
..well what are you going to do about it
..we are waiting for a delivery
..yes but surely you have to provide soap i said we're waiting on delivery (as if i care, im thinking they should go to the supermarket!!!!i want some fricking soap
..well surely there are other people having this issue, what have they done
..i think they have gone to the supermarket and bought soap
..thats ridiculous -a hotel should provide soap

and i STORMED off. was not very happy with this service(lack of)

and then all smoothly onto the plane hte next day and now am home. went to the track last night

was a bit concerned with the legs. yep they were tired-and whilst maybe slightly slower than i would have been, they felt good after it was over

reps were 4x1km-with exended rest btw the 2nd and 4th
4.06,4.02 then big break like 5mins while the others did another rep 4,05,4.04
gotta be happy with that. havent really done many 1kms. and after 3 consecutive weeks of TRASHING the legs 15km race,80mins at ferny and then 10km, i think they are holding up well

achilles didnt hurt :) at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and Andrew-a TENS machine is a small current that runs btw two pads, just kinda breaks up teh crap and loosens things up(i think). physios use a larger version of it. great for my back, and very useful when tight(i use on my calves fairly regularly)

anyway i know people lament coming home, but i LOVE it. i only like to travel for a few days at a time b4 i strt missing my home and my comfort and of course my bf too :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

smackdown in the sun

well there wasnt a while lotta sun.
anyway got up at 5am this morning (thats 2/3 days with stupid oclock times. didnt sleep well again. firly normal the night before a race, normally the previous two nights would be better

so stu told me to go out about4.25ish, which i knew would probs be too fast but we decided i might as well go for it.
at 2kms 4.22 and 4.27, i BLEW out. seriously, i wasnt sure if i would make the race. i WANTED to walk. i have NEVER EVER been close to walking. there was a lot of self talk during the race-mostly negative.
some of the postive was...just get to 5km and see how you go
some of the negatives...just turn around and DNF(this was at 2.5km), youre shit, why cant you even run under 4.40 for the kms, youre not even going to finish and so on

anyway-i watched my average pace clock from 4.31 closer and closer to 4.35 which would still be a 45.xx time but alas you do not run as per the line of measure and it was 10.06 by garmin.
so i ran 46.01 crap crap crap crap

yes it has some redeeming features.
it is my 3rd fastest 10km ever
i came 8th in the female 35-39 category( 2 from my age were in the open top 10!)
i finished in what was a struggle of a run
it was over 80s faster than sandown from 4 weeks ago

and MOST importantly it did land me the title of 'SMACKDOWN in the SUN"

(burkie says im being hard on myself since sandown was only a short while away-but my training pointed to faster :(

anyway its a crap run, im over it.
my back is playing funny buggers now(was perfect during the race)-being very naughty(i used the small brace not the big brace-which was a mistake)
my achilles was GREAT during the race, slightly tight calf during

a bit limpy after it for a while and pretty tired after 3 rubbish nights sleep.and another early start tomorrow.
i hve moved to the 2nd hotel- with burkie and Sam :)

oh and a massive stress this morning when i checked out at 5.36am and was waiting for 5.50 i realised i didnt have my numbers so i raced to the check in and they made me a new card, so i raced upstairs(lucky there was a lift-it was 15 floors) but no NOT in the room

started to get stressed , got in mums car and then eventually found the numbers

anyway here are the horrific 1km times for my run
4.22, 4.27, 4.34(beginning of the end), 4.41,4.40, 4.35,4.39,4.39,4.42,4.34 plus the lst little 60m at faster than 4min pace
5km splits 22.44 and 23.17-shocking drop off!

and a boring least the shins feel good

anyway-now thats over, where is the wine :) not yet, dont worry im not about to start at 1.13pm.ill try to hold off til 3pm...maybe

im such a sooky la-la. im sorry about whinging bout a run that i spose was OK

Friday, July 2, 2010

i AM a precious little princess

stu tells me i am...and i really think i am sometimes.
i dont know how it can be that i feel sheltered from this lifestyle as this is the life i grew up with. Only difference is my brother sister and i worked our butts off putting ourselves through uni so we didnt have to go back..............................
i am in crazytown at the moment. it really is unfathomable, like some bad flick trying to show bizarro people.
and it makes me feel like a bad person

..the place is almost unliveable..and the smells OMG(and i am precious about smells) and my (half)sister and her nephew are extremely bizarre. they are both hugely obese and ummmm my nephew is kinda crazy(he is a 15 yr old giant 6,3 and 120kg) anyway it is a shock to the system i can tell you.
im not used to ALL this constant fighting and nastiness(anymore), i almost cried yesterday just watching. i now live in my nice little house, with my nice little stu, who has nice little boys in my nice little job in a very clean little house that smells nice, with my nice normal other half of the family.
i had been going to stay thursday(potentially fri) sat and monday.
i have booked a hotel room for friday night..and asked mum to stay with me. she is fine, she's not a problem) and one on one i can cope with teh other two too but seriously, i gotta get out.
and im not even being nearly dramatic enough......
im now only staying here last night, i have booked htel rooms for all the other nights now. Mum was also telling me it was ok if i went to a hotel last ngiht, but i thought i should at least stay one night.-no small feat!
another thing im preciouos about is eating, i cant stand bad-eaters.... my mother and my sister are okay, but i dont know how they have not disciplined the nephew into eating like a normal human being??????????????????????????????????????????????? i felt seriously sick

anyway normally mum would be upset by me not staying(she is highly emotive) but she could see how stressed i was yesterday(and i ws trying not to let it show REALLY)
..anyway heading off shortly -to be normal again...
i am a horrible person for feeling the way i do.
i cna only thank god that i was born with half a brain, and enough determination to change my beginnings, so i can live the life that i do, and didnt fall into the trap of staying in the quagmire. seriously it is so depressing(theyre not depressed by it-it seems normal ) but i still feel like crying just thinking about it

anyway im about to get dressed(going to wait to shower at the hotel cos i cant face this one again :(
mums being super helpful though, shell meet me this arvo,drive me to my race tomorrwo,drop me at the hotel, then ill buy them all dinner monday night,go to my hotel nd then mum is going o take me to the airport. i feel more relaxed now that i am hotel-ing it. i thought i could cope-and well i just couldnt take. my bro will just laugh cos he said i wouldnt make it..... he wouldve gone hte hotel option right from the start

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

..legs of death... again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.are you happy ewen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
i knew tonights session would not be fun for a number of reasons
..girly stuff
..legs of death. i was talking to D.T and when i was saying my lesg were sore from last saturdays run, he said maybe hte last two saturdays runs.... i kind stopped and thought about it- my legs probs were not recovered from the ballart 15 and then i made them do 80min in heavy conditions so yeah it does actually make sense...

anyway shins were displeasingly sore yesterdy(and starting to worry me)
anyway, wacked the TENS machine on them which made them VERY sore but no sore shins today....wooohoo- that made me supper super super dooper happy!
warm up was blah......
first few reps were blah and so i reduced. as i said i knew from the get-go it wouldnt be fun tonihgt

suposed to be 4x1km approx 96 s but with slower reps considered ok since it was so windy
after the first rep(4.06) my legs were soooooo tired and breathing hard and i asked to go to 800s. stu does know when im serious and not just whinging so he let me go to 800s. it wasnt until the 4th rep that the legs started to even loosen up.
so this was the shit run that NEEDED to happen
i have revised my goal. no way for a pb. but if i can get 45.xx i will be very happy-if under 45.36 then it will be my second fastest ever 10km so cant complain- what you got up ypur sleeve ewen cos obviously there is also the SMACKDOWN in the sun COMPETITION between E and i too!!! lol... maybe ill just sit with him the whole race then outsprint him... hehe.. kidding.... im off like a rabbit, slowing to a hedgehog somewhere in the middle and then getting back to a yappy dog at the end.............
..sometimes rep sessions sucks, but at least my reps sucky sessions are about the same as my normal sessions last year :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

..feel a bit over cooked

..legs of death today.... could barely run the 6.3kms... it was just one fo those horrid runs. i dont know if the 80+ min run in mud was the killer on saturday but i found today very very tough. do not feel fresh at all.(well it has been a big month i suppose 175kms)-theyd better start coming good later this week or i will have to revise my goals. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its cold, im minding the boys tonight and wed night since stu has meetings, the older two have gone to training with him. the youngest has stayed home to badger
JO....... JO........JO and so forth!

anyway it was also a 30min run in the water yesterday

niggly everywhere today, iced the flexor, both shins and my achilles

Saturday, June 26, 2010

stu is back to his,old tricks(and a mega post)

..yep he had a murderous gleam in his eye today as we set out for ferny creek. seriously the boy is trying to KILL me
yes jo only 60-70 mins. oh okay thats not too bad. and we did fricking was some walking i must say
it was wet, muddy and slippery. not my fave conditions with my back i can tell you. anyway all the juniors took off like the clappers and i was struggling to keep up for the first half hour loop. i panted to stu- i cant keep that pace up...... anyway he mustve felt kindly towards me as he said we would slow it down...thats probably because we did HILLS.....................
we drifted off in teh other direction from the pack, got a bit lost and stu's like we'll just go up this track for a bit and then decide(this was at the 45min mark) and um it was called hillclimb track which kinda tells you that there are fricking BIG it was also at this stage that i started to have quite some discomfort in the hip flexor region(every step was hurting and the uphills were very unpleasant)
im hoping that its just fatigued and a bit niggly-anyway gonna hit the pool tomorrow(stu says i only have to do 30mins cos im racing next week xoxox woohoo)

oh yeah did i mention school break up last night so a BZILLION wines before 9 oclock(home by 9.30, barely coherent, and unm guess who lost their bloody wallet... ummm looks at the ground, kicks the dirt a bit and thinks what a loser they are...yep thatd be me! very shirty about being such a LOSER(yes double pun!!!!!!!!!!) and going grrrrrr that's gonna make qld tough if i dont have any cards with me...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and then i remember i had $150 in my drawer so at least i was covered for cash for the weekend
anyway, because im a HUGE user of credit card i was able to ring the cab company as the receipt has all the taxi detauls-woohoo(as i was sure it was there since i had paid for the cab!!!!!!!!!!) after 3 phone calls, the cab driver responded to the cab company and yes he does have my wallet.
im going to give him a reward i think(cos i know cabbies dont make much money(in general)) so i will drive over to nunawading tomorrow to pick it much reward should one give??? i was thinking i would be quite generous as NOT cancelling my cards is awesome. how do you think $50 sounds..

nyway training since tuesday
wed OMG how tired am i the point where i didnt train. i very rarely skip sessions but i was just EXHAUSTIPATED-yes i know its not a word!!!!
thursday... supoosed to do 3xfast 800/1km- was trying to convince myself on the way there that it was my type of set-wasnt really working
got out of the car and was almost blown off my feet-it gets windy in the werribee wind tunnel....
anyway i wasnt going to ask stu to reduce as he gets annoyed and already thinks im SOFT a custard......................... but it musta been windy cos stu was talking to burkie and had decided to reduce OMFG, where were those flying PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i said how about 20 x 200s stu(kinda joking cos i thought hed probs make us do 600s)
anyway the other coach also did 200s so stu did too!!!!!! woohoo...200s are right up my alley

anyway in groups of 5 with the diagonal jog along hte grass (aim for 45s) and walk after every 5th
tired tired tired legs from the 15km
first set were all 45
second set were all 45sec and i was starting to think 10 more..good grief
..anyway third set starting to feel good- 1st one 42s..oops and the the rest 44s
fourth set felt very good, and at one stage claires gone speedy jo-first rep so i went okay and slowed it down to ummmmmm 42s, then the rest were all 43s
a ripper set- as i said right up my alley , please sir may i have some more(ie do it next week with a Twist(ie oliver)-its okay i find myself funny
its still a distance set, but the shuffle recovery still meant i never fully got my breath back in the 5 reps. the odd thing is, last year i HATED HATED-with a passion- the continuity of the float now i actually think it is VERY beneficial-9kms for the night

AND its my biggest month for the year. i just passed 175kms this month(i know not much for others but HUGE for me)
if i keep this up i may actually have a good 1500 come track season
-dont think ill pb the 10km next week, but hoping to go sub 45

oh BTW-im very fricking tired after todays run..i think i am soft as custard!
ciao chippolatas and chipolettes

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

...seriously stu

..ummm you do realise i raced 15kms on sat
..yes i do 20x200m with 200 float(a light set)
..NO-do the longer reps


oky so supposedly it is 600,800.1km.1km,800,600. i knew i would struggle with this. i strugled with a 35 min easy run yesterday. MY SHINS are sooooooooooooooo sore..that'd be the 15km road race when you have NOT(and i repeat)NOT have done enough kms in training to no be this sore afterwards... yes it was a good run..yada yada yada and im paying for it NOW!~

anyway plan was to go a tad slower(dont forget standing recovs) than we have been and sit on approx 96s laps (approx 4min/km)

first rep it was like-sheesh jo-seriously?????
di the 600 in 2.27(very restrained and just over 4min 4.03)
then 800 in 3,14 bit off pace
then 800 in 3.16 bit off pace-couldnt do the 1km-just started to drop off and legs were like death and i knew 800 would be more beneficial
the 800 in 3.15-right on pace-same as above for why i didnt do 1km
then 800 in 3.14- close enough
then 600-stu worked a bit so i did too, hit 2.14 (2.24 IS 96 LAPS)

yeah um it was a good session CONSIDERING- i hate the term considering, it was a shit session if it was normal, but a good session with tired and sore legs

am i happy? yep, last year i struggled to do 96s per lap reps, now i get close to them on my BAD days! and im only just 6 weeks back running
it could be a good track season(which it is all about!!) next season :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

okay so a 15km race is not OVERLY easy

..yep to say i wasnt looking forward to this is an underwhelming statement to say the least.....
having not run15km since about jan and only been back running for about 5 weeks, it was always going to be a tough ask..
anyway the plan was to go out at sandown pace....
i literally ran exactly the same 10km time as

i must say i hit the wall not once but twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stu very nicely waited for me at about 6kms(he was about20m ahead at this time and slowed for me :) good lad.
anyway he pushed me and worked me pretty hrd. Em overtook me at about 8kms i think and then at about 12/13 we drew up to her and she sat with us for the last 2 kms. no talking for em and i though, we were working our GUTS out.
i think i told stu to f-off about 5
at one stage, hes gone, cmon jo we've got women to catch up to, my response- well you go and f-ing catch them then.. in my defence this was where i had hit my 2nd wall
lol, im a pleasure arent i?

but the 15km was NOT the worst prt of my day. came home and had an ice bath. OMG ice baths in winter are even worse than icebaths in summer. OMG OMG OMG- i was screaming out OMG for the while time i was in there..stu was laughing at me..
i was in for 2min...cmon jojo you can do it OMG OMG OMG OMFG, 1.5min and 60s

anyway tuckered out but pretty happy with a 70.xx time. officil results not in but it will be 70.4x

here are my km splits 4.36 ish, 4.43, 4.40,4.43,4.44,4.44,4.49(wall)4.46,4.52,4.514.48,4.44,4.40,4.43,4.34

so the 2nd 5km slower than the first and the last 5km 23.12 was the fastest (under duress i might add though)

Friday, June 18, 2010


that kinda sums it all up really.feel particualrly tired and worn out.
no doubt from all the report writing and ennui that follows. probs trained a bit too hrd tuesd as well espoecially since i wasnt feeling fresh on thurs after a rest day.
had some sore shins/knee on wed which i didnt love, anyway they were okay last night and i gave them a good ice when i got home.feel fine today

so the set is 9x400s
3lots of 3x400s with 200 float recovery and a stand recovery after the third. did this 3 times

most of the reps were 92/93/94 with a 90 and a 91 thrown in one misjudged one was about96???????

anyway i deliberately sat behind stu this tme. to be a bit calmer than tuesday. achilles is ok, back is NOT GOOD AT ALL..can hardly bend today.i drop stuff on the floor, kinda look at it and go hmmmmmm i think it wil have to stay. stu is very good and picks it up for me when he is around. i took a naprosyn 500mg this morning and will take another tonight-nd a few wines too i think.......................................
anyway after a punishing 15km tomorrow on the road, i will be doing pool running for the next two days... lol i had to laugh when i read that last sentence, i had left the "L" of pool...ewwwwww

anyway if im still alive after tomorrows race, ill blog. considering i havent run 15kms since january, its not gonna be pretty, i just about died in the 12km in the YY last sunday.

oh well if i peter off, i know Em will continue without me llike i did last year to her. its good to run with people who know how it works. ie you only run together if the times are aligning

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

...a hrd training session, some slight misjudgement

..okay so not having done this set more than once, i was a bit unsure as to how fast to go out. I went out at what i though was comfortable
....hmmmmmmm by the end i was that cose to spewing it wasnt funny

the set is 3min,2min,1min,30s interval with the same float(shuffle between) x3.
yep apparently running 93ish second laps is a bit fster than i shouldve gone. held it pretty well for the first two 3,2,1,30,3,2,1,30 but on the last lot i was GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i droppped off by about 8s per lap and even dry retched on one of the reps.... oopsies...ah well, ill know better for next time and sit on 95/96 in the reps
but gee it felt good initially. there was even some push from my achilles...woohoo..i can tell you it is a whole lot easier to run when you can push off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and 40mins in the pool yesterday. did notice that my shins are a little bit sore, so will have to ice the leftie i think

Sunday, June 13, 2010

..whew big weekend of running

okay 21km for normal runners it is NOT a big weekend but for the just returnng (aka soft jojo), it is a big weekend

friday night's multitude of wines probs didnt help but................................
brisbane ranges ont he saturday. the run was SHITE...well know thats not true, i was SHITE...too many hills and i still cant push off the right foot so the stupid leftie had to do all the walk-way beihnd everyone else.
anyway got through a miserable 9kms and yes the achilles was a bit sore at the end

and then today 12.5km at the you-ies in as flat a section as we could find and umm the achilles still felt it. water tomorrow will be the plan. no running wed just sets on tues /thurs before the 15km(egad) race next saturday
50kms last week and should be the same this week

now writing reports and being havent done enogh this morning(probs because i went out to brekky and shopping) oh well now i must get back to it

Thursday, June 10, 2010


.alright ewen -time to get out your uncanny time predictor for my 10km

a faster and tough rep session tonight. it was going to be 9x400 with 200 floats but stu relented...woohoo
here are hte sets (they may be confuse din order but pretty right-i dont have a lap timer)

400(90s) ,shuffle, 400(92s), shuffle, 400(90s)
then stu said we could do two efforts one float and a standing recovery
400(90s)shuffle,400 (92s) standing recovery
400(88) walk 20m then shuffle,400(92)
400(90), walk then shuffle, 88

so another good session. and it wasnt ridiculously hard either. i was working hrd but i actually felt like i was kinda in a good zone

felt good to run in a pack again. AND whilst my achilles is a little sore, its BECAUSE i was able to push off-just a teensy bit... wooho
im pretty much BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! roll on the racing. i my still pb some races after all. i am defintely FASTER than last year, once the endurance happens i am THERE!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

..another good training session

..achilles starting to feel better.the dry needling definitely helped. still quite tender during running today, but ohhhhhh so close to being able to actually push off-there was some slight push off today.
trained REALLY well today
proposed set 600,800,1k,1k,800,600 with 90-2min standing recovery...bit of a breeze though

600 2:21 so 3:55min/km pace
800 3:08 so 3:55 pace
1km 4:02
1km 4:05
800 3:13 so 4:01 min/km
600 2:20 so 3:53 pace man this last one felt fast i was about 4 metres off the pace but kne i needed the windbreak so i suck it up and tacked back on. Felt generally pretty good(apart from the first rep where i was 3seconds behind the pack(they went out fast)
getting my fitness back! not anywhere near as far behind as i thought i would be.

tired..marking exams and writing reports...eyes are googly googly
icing the achilles now.very happy with tonights reps

Sunday, June 6, 2010

woohoo 20kms in the bank this weekend

2 weeks in a row hat i got 20kms in the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ummm it was a LOT easier this week NOT racing 10kms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(are you happy with that many !!!!! ewen!!!!)

anyway 11.2kms this morning at the rather chilly you yangs. the chilles was OK not great but okay, better than i expected fter some hills yesterday though(icing now)
took a while to warm up then it was okay
11.2km @ 5.33min.kms. no worries about the pace that is definitely my long run pace, any faster and im getting into the non long run zone
according to mcmillans calcualtor (based on 45 min runner for 10kms)(
my long runs should be between 5.20-5.57
easy runs 5.20 -5.39
recovery jogs 5:57 to 6:16

for the faster runs

Steady-State Runs 4:45 to 4:53
Tempo Runs 4:33 to 4:45
Tempo Intervals 4:30 to 4:39

anyway, it seems i do my stuff within the time ranges(except my recovery runs are too fast)wow-never thought that was possible

Saturday, June 5, 2010

so a 10km showdown at Gold coast eh?
over the track season, ewen and i have jousted over the 800/1500 and now it appears we are running the 10km at gold coast. so it must be a 10km showdon then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol- this is definitely more in keeping with ewewns forte than mine, i must admit, but hey any race within a race makes me happy
so ewen, what time will i need to beat then? hehe, cant help it , im a competitive little lassie.

now Andrew, i buy my running shoes and accessories at ... super cheap and very good(just make sure you remember it is UK sizing. spend over 85 nd shipping is free.woohoo(i havent ever paid for shipping)
my compression socks were about $20 per pair AWESOME
i have 1 pair of fluoro white asics(stu calls them skin coloured.. and i bought some black ones that are BRAND "craft' they seem pretty good too. so yes three pairs.
i forgot mine today, and ALSO stu had taken the key so i was unable to get my back brace d'oh. lucky it was just a run without any tempo.
anyway 9km run today approx 5.37min/kms -couple hills which tested the achilles. it just shows though that even the FAST people run slowly at times. bel who runs 38mins for 10kms, was more than happy to sit at 5.30-5.40 pace(she did go off for a bit of tempo, but a LOT of her long runs are at that pace too)
it was great. i felt like id been running 5mins and looked down and we had done 3kms already.woohoo
went to a coaching workshop today with richard huggins(coach of a number of very good athletes) and learnt some very interesting things. .saw a friend who i race aginst(sigh, she's so much skinnier than me-i really do need to diet(im sure i would run faster!!!!!!!!!!!!) YES,i do okay for a fatty boombah, but obviously i could do better

oh i have at least started doing planks. 3 times this week.
3x30s plank first time
2 days later 3x45s
2 days later 3x45s
sore abs after the first time and lots of shaking..hehe

anyway 60-70mins tomorrow.woohoo. and yes the achilles was a little tender today. no hils tomorrow(well as few hills as you can get in hte you yangs anyway

Thursday, June 3, 2010

..bit sore but trained well

after training yesterday (6kms@5:14min/km) today was to be the first time to run three consecutive days since ummmmmmmm early march
and yeah i was a bit sore at the start. had to stretch MANY times in the warm up(and the legs felt a bit tired in the quads-no surprise -everytime ive been training lately, its been after a days rest
did the strides etc but wasnt sure how i would go
planned set 6x600 with 200 float(shuffle) in between, supposedly with no break at all

stu wanted me to do about 4min/kms so 96s per lap or 2.24 per 600
2.25 float
2.26 float
2.22 walk then float (started having tummy issues)
2.20 -had to go to the toilet(no choice!!!!) slight standing stop then walk over
1.57-joined them at the 100 so a 500 comparable to a 2.22ish walk then jog
2.25- was bit fatigued in the last

then 4 lap cool down so approx 7.5kms tonight.

so a good set. i feel like im at least as fast as last year, just dont have quite the endurance yet

oh did i mention, im flying up to gold coast to run hte 10km :) yay

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

..a good hard training session

okey dokey...not too far behind where i should be but OMG my legs yesterday were LEGS OF DEATH
i was so shonky walking downstairs it was incredible! it felt like i had done like a million squats! yep sore either side of the quad

anyway tonights rep set
proposed 1200,1km,800,600,400
i knew during the first rep that this was too much for me after a 10km race on sat plus 8kms on sunday so i altered it to 1km,800,800,600,faster 400
1km 4.06
800 3.16 (4:05min/km pace)
800 3.17 (4:06 min/km pace)
600\ missed the time but it was approx 4min/kms
400 -84 seconds

90s recoveries(except probs 45 secs more on the cut down sections)

trained solidly, achilles was sore after the 400 though(got a bit carried away)

did 4 and a bit lap cool down so probs about 7km in total

Saturday, May 29, 2010

sandown 10km -and a good guess by ewen

well i typed a post and lost it.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

anyway i ran as well as could be expected today, so im relatively happy(without being ecstatic-way slower than last year but good considering)
I had NO idea if the achilles would hold up-i havent even run 10kms without stopping yet-the closest i have been is 10kms last week with 2 stretching stops at 5.40 pace..and my longest rep has been 600s(max of 5)
anyway no idea of time so was thinking of maybe?????? going out at 4,40 pace and seeing how it went-during the warm up, i wasnt even sure if i would be able to do 5 min kms- 5.50kms seemed kinda hard
anyway here are the splits-
4.36, 4.41, 4.35, 4.48(hill), 4.45, 4.42, 4.43, 4.45, 4.44, 4.39 and the last bit(cos i run a little wide) 4.38 for a total of 47.23
Well done a s predictor ewen-within 6 s over 10kms is impressive

am i happy? well its hrd to be hppy with time that is 3mins slower than last year, but i am kinda happy. I ran at least as fast or faster thn i expected.
did i enjoy it- NO- the achilles hurt the last 3 kms and i am NOT, NOT i repeat, fit enough to race 10km
nd Em, i decide on the wine rather than the anti inflamms..LOL- the ice was an anti inflamm though(and yes it was on my achilles not IN my drink.....he

I am not quite 'BACK" yet but i m well on the way. was quite happy to hear that Em half in spet coincides with me so we can strart together which will be nice