Tuesday, June 15, 2010

...a hrd training session, some slight misjudgement

..okay so not having done this set more than once, i was a bit unsure as to how fast to go out. I went out at what i though was comfortable
....hmmmmmmm by the end i was that cose to spewing it wasnt funny

the set is 3min,2min,1min,30s interval with the same float(shuffle between) x3.
yep apparently running 93ish second laps is a bit fster than i shouldve gone. held it pretty well for the first two 3,2,1,30,3,2,1,30 but on the last lot i was GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i droppped off by about 8s per lap and even dry retched on one of the reps.... oopsies...ah well, ill know better for next time and sit on 95/96 in the reps
but gee it felt good initially. there was even some push from my achilles...woohoo..i can tell you it is a whole lot easier to run when you can push off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and 40mins in the pool yesterday. did notice that my shins are a little bit sore, so will have to ice the leftie i think

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Ice the rightie while you're at it. Wouldn't want her to get jealous.

Glad I don't set sessions for myself that make me spew. You did well. That sounds hard!