Friday, September 10, 2010

OOPS ive done it again

.seriously i am rather pathetic....
youre not gonna believe this- i have completely lost my keys AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and to make matters worse this time i do NOT have a spare car key. so ive been on PT for 3 hours going to get my car, assuming my keys are at school!!!!!!!!!!! NO-toodle back on hte train, go check out centre management where i lost them last time just in case they have turned up....NOPE

so off to holden to buy keys but have to wait half a day.... ummmm they cost 232 dollars each!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thats uncut
and now i have to get a locksmith to cut a key from NO KEY and he has to try and do something to computerise it with the car o something and hes not sure he can which will mean a tow truck and getting holden to do its $150 for him to come out, then it will be towing plus 65 on top of that. the cheapest i can get out of it is $600, more likely 800

oh and top of that, i hadnt realised when i left my last job that since i was being paid leave that it went past the 1st of july and sicne i didnt get a certificate cos 2 years later i had forgotten, the tax depart ment hav informed me that i didnt decalre it so im going to owe about $1000

now listen, the two are NOT related but please please please NEVER ever ever send me a fkn chain lette. i got sent one hte other day saying if you send this on you will come into money and if you dont, something bad will happen to you on saturday(which was last saturday and i was fine)

but why would someone who is supposedly YOUR friend send you ANYTHING that says if you dont do thi you will have bad luck

oh and the some of the 16 year old girls on my train line literally are white trailer trash- dropping the F-bomb plus C-Bomb on a prolific scale and yelling loudly about drugs and having to get money etc,

yep im in a GREAT mood........................... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

and i want to buy a pool-i cant afford it but i do want one! maybe in 2 or 3 years


Ewen said...

I feel your pain. Take it you'd already lost the 'spare' key? When you get a new one you need to hang it on a necklace or something.

Anyway, have a good weekend :)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Might be cheaper to buy a new car :-)

I am in total agreement about chain letters, you'll never get one from me.

Anonymous said...

No chain letters here either- complete waste of my email time! Hope you get the car sorted mate- I have become religious about where I store my car keys- ONLY ever the one pocket in my backpack, or handbag and only EVER on the little couch in the entrance foyer when I am at home. I have wasted too many hours looking for them!


Em said...

Don't worry, you will NEVER get a chain letter from me, I delete them on sight. My Mum got one on the wind shield of her car once when I was a kid and whatever was in it really frightened her.

Someone told me once to never loose my car keys because the beep beep ones cost a bomb to replace. Can't see why, it's pretty basic circuitry, I reckon they just rip us off coz they know we have no choice! That reminds me, I need to replace the battery in my spare.