Friday, September 3, 2010

..when does racing get easier???

i would consider myself a fairly experienced runner. i knew i would be in teh 2nd team(the girl put above me trains waaaaay faster than me) but being competitive i was always wanting to 'beat' her time. ive been having breathing issues for hte last 4 weeks or so(cold weather and trying to keep a cold at bay) anywauy i ran with my puffer and after about 4.5kms had to stop and walk for 5steps and have a'puff' :( only 3 secs slower than lat year so not too bad but wouldve liked to have gone faster, 13.35 in the first lap and i felt gone!!!!! at 3.1km but managed to come home i 13.55 including a walk-so not too bad

been having some issues this week with my glutes and hip flexors... and im not talking small issues. was limping on wed, couldnt contemplate running thursday and was a maybe today... stu doesnt seem to understand the importance of resting sometimes
:if you cant run the days leadin up you may as well withdraw"
"no, a couple of days rest means i MAY be able to run and i can still withdraw on sunday"

so anti-inflamming at the moment and have been on the tennis ball(which is helping for hte tight glute

sooooooo tired though. 2 x parent teacher nights this week and relays til 8.30 last night for school has left this little black duck EXHAUSTED
and at work tomorrow morning from 8-12(yep leave at 7am-its been a f-er of a weeek

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Hope your legs stayed in one piece today. Blame Stu if they didn't.