Friday, August 6, 2010

..trained like a gun!

yep feeling chuffed with myself tonight after an absolutely WOEFUL display on wednesday where i was the slug girl. did a 40min run(boooooring 20mins off the track and then 20mins of laps-(i dont really like to run in the dark, after the colossal knee injury of 2008!

so tonights session stu had set was 5(ish) 1kms in just over 4min kms.(i havent done 1km reps for quite some time and havent done more than 2 of them and since i couldnt even manage that pace (96 s laps or 4min kms)for 800s the other day i was somewhat concerned)
anyway bree and i were quite happy to hear that stu decided 2x1km,2x800 ans 2x600 -he remembered that he had initially said 600s then changed to 1kms so i guess it was a compromise(who'd a thunk that stu knew how to compromise..hehe-funny gal i am!!!!

1km 4.01
1km 4.01
800 3.12(right on 4 min pace)
800 3.13
600 2.24(right on 4min pace)
600 2.25

stu probs wanted only 2min breaks but i needed 2and half between the 1kms, and then took 2mins for hte other breaks. tough set i gotta say but i NAILED it!!!!!! woohoo. about time!!!
and that was even with my friend struggling(she is generally faster than me but she had an off day and did 1km,1km,400,600,400,600

yay me! one knee wept a tiny bit but thats it! still cant do butt kicks and everytime i forget and kinda try to squat down my scabs and scar tissue le me know, but they are healing extremley well!!!!!!!!!!!!

off to gold coast on some upsetting news last week. my mother has breast cancer (malignant) so im going up for her operation and staying a few days after. the doctors hope to get it all out,but i still want to be there.pretty sad , of course, but i amtrying to look on the bright side. the old lady, as annoying as she can be, i do love the silly thing. now i know dates and have booked flights etc, i feel like im now doing something at least

anyway, lets not dwell- tonight was an awesome run-go me :)


Andrew(ajh) said...

Jo, I hope your mum's op goes really well and that her prognosis is excellent!

Ewen said...

Sorry to hear that about your mum. I hope all goes well.

Nice going with that session. Sort of dispels the rumour that you are "officially SOFT."

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for your Mum Jojo. Glad the training went super well. Sara