Monday, November 1, 2010

.. the thwarter of evil................

HOW is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the pool today 40mins swimming with a pool buoy-is actually easier than normal swimming-only need to breathe every 5th or 6th stroke..
then some rehab in the warm warm hydro pool
anyway i usually leave my clothes in teh changeroom so they dont get wet but put my wallet towel etc and put it near the lane im swimming in-

ANYWAY...get back to the changeroom and theres my clothes with a person very closely on either side. errr wheres my jeans.
miss j excalims rather loudly -someone has TAKEN my jeans-UNBELIEVABLE. i look to the right and say somethig to the girl next to me. and then i look to the left at the little asian women with her daughter and say - excuse me but you havent 'accidentally' packed my jeans in your bag have you
the damn lady is WEARING jeans -its not by fricking ACCIDENT- she has tried to STEAL my fricking jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i let her play the bimbo and pretend that she did it by accident..
i laughed when she left and said to the girl next to me
'that is unbelievable'
omg-she said- i saw a pair of jeans in her bag and thought- who bring s a spare pair of jeans
me: what was i going to wearr out to the car OMG- and we both laughed for a bit

to say i was flabberghasted is a WHOPPING HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT TO TH N"TH DEGREE

anyway bad kharma for her. my undies were inside my jeans-so when she gets home she will find my undies there. YEP she stole my bloody undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was still laughing when i got to my car-undie-less but not humour-less (woulda been a different story if i was jeans-less methinks though!)

oh and stu and i have some new friends.!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1000 of them in fact.

well stu didnt like it when i said that so i have decided that they are my pets. i fed them toight- i was all excited - and we bought them a blanket and everything. yep we now have WORMS for our compost-blessed little things.. heehee

just dont ask me there names....ROFL

stu just keeps rolling his eyes at me though

and i guess at the end of a day like today- i have to admit
i really am "ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE" that weirdo things just SEEM to INEXPLICABLY happen to that dont happen to other people- and on a fairly regular basis.

my old flatmate once said, when i was telling one of my seemingly normal for me but 'un-normal' for normal people stories, that i was like a cartoon character.. haha
my life was always going to have odd moments when i had a sewing needle in my belly for the first 10 years of my life... what does one expect after that really...............................

oh and went for a 15 min walk(right on the upper limit for me)
20 min stationary bike at teh gym
then some weights with DT who tried to kill my arms- i told stu tomorrow my arms will feel like they are painted on... heehee.. i think that was ANOTHER eye rolling moment
then ab work
then 40min swimming-sort of!!!refer above

oh and even with all the shenanigans of today-when i get to do >1hour of exercise, i am back to being happy little camper jojo

ps- the moral of todays story-keep your eyes on your jeans/undies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Andrew(ajh) said...

I seem to remember telling you to try swimming with a pull bouy quite some time ago. You should have believed me :-)

Em said...

I can't swim without a pull buoy, my useless legs are too heavy.

Wormy1, wormy2, wormy3......wormy999, wormy1000

Glad to see you can get stuck into some cross training now.

Ewen said...

Good one Jo. That story was worth more than the usual 5 exclamation marks. Hope there were no "Paris Hilton moments" getting out of the car ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the pool buoy too! And I love saying it too! Glad you got your clothes back- it would have been funny and not so funny if you had to go home in your togs!
