Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm so excited

and i just cant hide it

i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and i mean sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to be coming home today. evryone is annoying me. Now that it seems mum is going o be okay she's driving me crazy. i think she's watched too many soaps, she appears to pause for dramatic effect. she showed me some modem and is just staring at me, err yes its a modem

anyway after spending that amount of time with an obnoxious 14 year old(there was sooo much fighting-it really does my head in), it is definitely time to get back home and see my lovely bf ...

reality-ah how i have missed it, im even looking forward to going back to work, less effort/stress than this week has been i can tell you

running-can you believe it, coachy coach is letting me have a day off today.....woohoo. 90 mins tomorrow woo-not
yesterdays session.the legs were NOT happy. i struggled on the way there.anyway did 1.5km warm up(under duress) and stu said to do drills but well i didnt feel like it so got straight on with theset. he wasnt 5 or 6 sets of 3mineffort,2min shuffle
well apparently when the grass is lush and soft underfoot, one cannot expect tehir effort to be the same as when the session is done on the track. woeful paces of 4.30-4.40min/km-shouldve been closer to 4.10-4.15 and also i let myself walk for 30s before i jogged the recovery AND i needed a drink between each rep. it was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(i was also running just after midday)
so 5 sets and then forced myself to doa 1km cool down equated to 7kms-legs were pretty tuckered out too
a 43 km week isnt too bad for me considering all the upheaval of the week
my good weeks are 45-50, lol i really do race off MINIMAL kms

but then its the racing i love, not the training so much(sometimes i like the training-not often when im by myself though-maybe im inherently lazy...hehe)


Andrew(ajh) said...

That's great news that your mum is going to be okay Jo, I'm so relieved for you!

Anonymous said...

Good news mate- you are a good daughter going up there and putting up with the rest of the family to help her out. Sara

Ewen said...

Yes, great news. I'm sure your mean bf, um, I mean coach, will be pleased to have you back training and RACING! :)