Tuesday, August 10, 2010

hectic couple of days

am sitting in the airport-just finished a wine(would like another actually) on he way to GC to be there for my mums operation(will know more tomorrow)
sundays run-90mins OMG 8 hideous kms of yukky wind and legs only liked about the 20-45min mark
was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tired after and drove to hampton for party and that took one and a half hours to get home.................................
then in bed by 8.30(only just made it til then...lol)

monday busy day at work -getting organised for the rest of the week, then aths training followed by my own lethargic run(i do LIKE running, just after the 90mins yesterday was tuckred out)
then dinner date with my beautiful bf, then marking 3/4 of a stack of tests, then packing then hitting the hay,
tried to sleep til my alarm but stu decided to be annoying and was just being a big goofball so no sleep in for me, then work correcting, correcting, doing reports, teaching and then finally at the airport...wheew it has been busy
ps i changed bars and got anoth drink

why did you change bars you may well ask,
well i knew i was going to leave soon to be at least NEAR my terminal and i saw these ppl looking for a table and couoldnt find one so were going to sit at the bar so i told them they could take my table, so i left kinda mid sentence but fortunately did not lose all of the blog... woohoo

hopefully some good news tomorrow.


Andrew(ajh) said...

Hope the flight is good and tomorrows news is good too!

Ewen said...

Yes, hope it all went well.

Good that you managed to change bars and not lose all that great typing ;)