Sunday, October 10, 2010

..suck it up princess

..yep time for me to stop wallowing and get back on with the job of recovery....

i have NOT been in the best of moods of late i have to say. been cranky about the i njury, been struggling BIG time on the crutches. it is VERY exhausting going up and down a bzillion stairs every day. I now have organised that my rooms are on the same floor as me
-anyway i had to have a whole week off training as per instructions and started back yesterday

30min water run on friday
50mins water run today and then on crutches when walking around highpoint-sore hands and arms but oH WELL
as the heading says -suck it up princess!

so i am BACK on the start of recovery. its going to take around 20 weeks proabably, 12 of the no running, then the slow walk/jog back over multiple weeks

so whilst still a bit down spirit wise, i am restarting


Em said...

Yeah, you just gotta try and approach rehab with the same discipline as normal training, hard I know but wallowing gets even more boring.

This isn't a case of "it could always be worse", but I checked in with my Canadian friends blog the other day to see how she went in her debut marathon and found this -

Keep hanging in there

Ewen said...

Just read the post from Marilyn that Em linked to!

Anyway, take care with it. Enjoy the smell of chlorine for the next however many weeks ;) You'll be back better than ever for the start of the 2011/12 season.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I am so sorry to hear about your injury. Very frustrating but don't quit! Use this time of rehab (once you are able to weight-bear of course)to see if you can fix any mechanical/running form issues that may have contributed to the fracture. I plan on seeing a good physio to look at any imbalances while off. It will give you a positive focus!
I really wish you a fast recovery!!
Marilyn (The Running Diva)