Tuesday, June 1, 2010

..a good hard training session

okey dokey...not too far behind where i should be but OMG my legs yesterday were LEGS OF DEATH
i was so shonky walking downstairs it was incredible! it felt like i had done like a million squats! yep sore either side of the quad

anyway tonights rep set
proposed 1200,1km,800,600,400
i knew during the first rep that this was too much for me after a 10km race on sat plus 8kms on sunday so i altered it to 1km,800,800,600,faster 400
1km 4.06
800 3.16 (4:05min/km pace)
800 3.17 (4:06 min/km pace)
600\ missed the time but it was approx 4min/kms
400 -84 seconds

90s recoveries(except probs 45 secs more on the cut down sections)

trained solidly, achilles was sore after the 400 though(got a bit carried away)

did 4 and a bit lap cool down so probs about 7km in total


Ewen said...

Nice times. You're improving quickly.

I took a look at the Sandown video. Couldn't spot you or Em, but plenty of Western Aths stars. The club's going well.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Glad you're coming good so quickly ... look after that achilles won't you. I was really sore after my run today too.