Monday, July 30, 2007

..umm.. but... umm . but.. umm

..ok there was a bit of this going on when trying to justify MY THINKING ABOUT (even though i DIDNT do it)about running consecutive days..

it displeased her enough that lauren physio(who did tell me off..and DESERVEDLY) pulled out my dr report dated 31 may..with no motor function in toes/big toe(which is serious) and unable to walk on heels)) and is like JO its been two months... my other patients are on a walk program after two month(my..but are they old grannies..went down like a lead balloon..apparently not!LOL) i must admit i thought it had been over 2 months since i started going to her and having those nasty symptoms(good one ossie).. so i guess im doing pretty well.. i gave away my squash racquet to my gf today so i couldnt be tempted by squash drills :(
..she wasnt too happy with my 10 kms on sunday but i talked her through it so only got the raised eyebrows..i mean she tells me that im generally good in that i do all my exercises but i just have to not push too hard.. i think im being a DIFFICULT child.. there is a bit of sulking and errr not quite arguing but ahem stating what i think is on the cards(posed in a question of course)
..i told her i was hoping to increase my kms by maybe 10% ie 6km runs during the week and maybe 11-12km on the long run.. i got a very stern..when you have a week without pain then you can increase(remember you just had two weeks of pain every day :( (and i guess i only had 2 pain free days(maybe one) this last week and half )e.. duly noted and i understand the reasoning..will try very hard to follow advice..i need a smack if i go off on my own course of action
.she has said i can run a reasonable pace on sat..cos as she said i know you will do it anyway.. there is no point me telling you not run (she would rather i didnt race at all) have come away..not really getting anything i want, but knowing she is right..and i guess i should be pleased that she doesnt let me sway her :( sigh
..there was also a bit of...JO you are having physio evry 2nd week and a massage every week, you are not better...

dont get me wrong she wasnt mean...she just tells it like it is...obviously tho shes not happy with my FREE REIN as she said she is going to write me a new running program..then dinner with my aunt..lovey lovely lady..what a gem.. and hten home for a wine and to think over what the physio said a do a bit of...why me...
not really..considering where i was 2 months ago..i should be ecstatic.i just need a kick up the butt


Anonymous said...

Oh jojo - such a frustrating time for you. So many people sitting on their sofas who COULD run and then so many runners dying to get out there that can't - just doesn't seem right somehow!!

I guess all you can keep trying to do is be as "well behaved" as you can possibly make yourself be (TRY HARD!!) and keep your spirits up in the mean time...easier said than done heh?

JH said...

I'm with you Jojo. It's in your physio's interests to keep your recovery slow - all the more physio appointments you have to make.

I say, if it feels good, run.

On the other hand - I could have just given you some of the most spectularly awful pieces of advice ever. It has been known to happen.

Celeste said...

Jojo - slap to the back of your head! I'm with JH, if it feels good then run. But if there's pain then DON'T RUN!! Remember the whole idea here is to get better so that you can run in the long term. Better off sacrificing short term running now - isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Sharp intake of gave away your squash racquet :-0 Now that's serious girl!!

As everyone else has wisely said, listen to your body!! It's probably the only thing that really tells it like it is!

So when you coming over to try on bras??? (saw you mention it on Kathys blog).

MorseyRuns said...

I have no advice at all- are you allowed to change physios if you are not happy with the advice you are given? Get a second opinion even? Or would your aunt be angry? Or do you know in your heart of hearts that the physio is right??

jojo said...

yep sara..i know in my heart of hearts my physio is right which is why it upsets me..cos i cant ignore her
i have a second opinion my aunt..she is being VERY generous with what i can do