Saturday, July 7, 2007

..jojo..restraint is spelt with an 'R"

..thought id better remind myself..cos i seemed to completely forget this today..ok heres how the day panned out...
get up...put on running skirt ..realise legs way too white..whack on a bit of fake tan(still vwhite)..decide to print out the details for bendigo..ooops starts at 12:40 not 1ish as first thought..
realise once i start driving i have no idea how to get to bendigo...lucky i read maps and drive safely LOL..ring answer..accidentally wake a gf..cos the internet mentioned something abput the hume...and that didnt seem the best way to me..
anyway drove way past HARCOURT...chucked a u-ie..went to some apple place asking where the pool there...almost had a car crash cos i was sooo excited to see em i forgot to keep driving..oops....frigged around for god knows how long..dropped cars off at the end(we were all like hmmmmm which way..pulled over at one i could tell front car the way..then em pulls up slightly lost the other way..PISSER..and went back....waited for ever..put on sooooooooo much dencorub..which helped..saw stu briefly doing the same leg(hopefully he will tell me it was a fast course cos otherwise i went way too fast)(had also finally met Sam from ausrun too)..the plan was 25:30(5min/km pace) ummmmm well that went completely out the window didnt it!!!! I was somewhere between 23:30(4:36m/k) and 24:15(4:45m/k)...that is... I THINK...i didnt get the timer on immediately due to SASH issues..but my time said 23:09 and im pretty sure it was less than 1 minute... anyway waaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast...hopefully pull up ok...calf already sore...i dont care about that tho..its all about the back...was all jumpy and excited at the end but a bit nervous(i jump when im excited..its a good sign for my back that i have reverted to this habit..must be feelin better,,,because i hadnt done it for months)..pre injury if i was racing my time would have been 22-22:30 so given my comeback stage i was probably a little bit(well lot) too close to racing pace..saw tiger boy there..hes trying to convince me to do his club xcountry next week..gotta say i am tempted..i have soooooooooooooooooooooo missed competition..such a LOSER!
then jumped in car to go home..getting heckled by a friend...just about reversed into a car..ooopsies..yeah that stopped the heckling..NOT..
no idea how to get back to melbourne just started driving in random direction..stopped at some small shop to get MORE drections(yes lost again) doesnt show anything on the melways... drive home.very pleasant ..except when i hallucinated that there was a dog on the was very weird...cos id found my glasses and all....although lucky that wasnt during the raining.110km/hour texting phase..naughty jojo..home now..about to go out for a couple of drinks..surely a wine will have the same effect as icing my calf..oh yeah got home...sunnies fell into the flowing stream in the gutter..towards the drain.l..have to chase them..of course!!!!
ok jojo i think you get an idea of the day by the fact that it is basically all one sentence without breathing LOL
wont know til tomorrow how i pull up...but it wasnt the smartest thing ive ever done... fingers crossed

oh and this little 'runjanerun' is looking forward to meeting the other ausrun gals for a drink tomorrow(and boys if any show)


Kathy said...

I don't think your problem is spelling it JoJo .. I think it's showing it!

Sounds like you had a good running day. Hope you pull up well tomorrow.

Let me know on the wine / ice thing. If I have to choose, I'd rather choose wine.

Anonymous said...

Pmsl at this post jojo!!

Hope you pulled up ok today for the outing. Have fun :)

Stu Mac said...

Its called the Calder Freeway.... how can you get lost, drive on the Calder and stop at Harcourt??? Return back on the Calder and wahoo Melbourne comes into the sights of the driver!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

mog .... i am tiored just reading your post :-)

Hope you pulled up okay from Saturday's running and Sunday's drinking ... :-)

See you at Y & J's

Eat Em

JH said...

Maybe you should have used Jedi mind-powers to find Melbourne.