Saturday, July 14, 2007

..i am the captain of planet vague

..yep..aye aye Cap’n….lol

After back was sooo sore was with some trepidation I got out of bed today… woohoo felt pretty good ..but had already decided that even though this was a designate running day..i would take a day of rest from running..
..instead I have organised to do the Sri Chimnoy 10 with sara (morsey runs).. because I am shite at sticking to 6 min/km aways run faster and she is aiming for it kindda works well..
And we all know that really it means we can have a gasbag for an hour..oops correct that to..i will talk for an hour..i told sara she only has to grunt of my exes used to say that to me…I don’t mind you talking when we run long as you don’t expect anything more than a grunt!!!i reckon i might be able to say a million words in an

Anyway did 5hours of maths BRAIN hurts(not really) I decided to do lots of worked solutions for the students cos there will be more questions than I can field the day before a SAC and then some of them can just go look and maybe work it conchy I am 
but i still was in one of my i need a hundred things going on moods..i was doing maths questions.CD playing, Tv on and texting at one stage..

Was a bit spaced out after was even going to go swimming to clear my head…but MANNNNNNN it was too cold.. so decided to go to the gym instead

…got my clothes all ready ..stripped started dressing at the gym…ok captain vague…what have u forgotten…A tshirt..F.A.Duck ( I cant tell u how many times ive done that at squash) go out to car..nup nothing in there..although there is a formal dress..a trenchcoat.high heels and a sleeping bag have to go inside and BUY a stupid tshirt.... jojo you need a tshirt to train in....please salute hte captain..
do my workout...10 mins elliptical trainer(so freaking unco) 30 mins spinning bike(mainly standing) I love that bike..i love the fact that you work so hard that sweat drips off you and lands on the bike(i wipe it up).. and yes not very ladylike.. but ummm...well around..probably not..LOL
..go to shops.. and then remember why i didnt do water runnning..hip flexor is slightly sore on one side ...derr jo..and riding a bike is better because????????LOL
..get home and am just too excited for words... poor stu happened to be on msn..i may need to apologise for being MORE annoying than usual..hehe.. im sure he'll cope..people usually just ignore me when im in that mood.....made the most sensational hamburger in the world...mmmmm...mmmm(ok maybe not THE WORLD but certainly the best on planet vague!!!!!
..have finally calmed down enough to blog at least...hehe.. not much planned for tonight as running tomorrow..just go visit a friend i think....
gotta go..a million and one things to do before i leave :)
best of luck to everyone at Sri..hopefully see some of you there..i will be one of the ones in a skirt(not my nice cute one though :( ..with a great big horrific cold sore on my face... small children may run away screaming!!!


Anonymous said...

You know what jojo, I am exhausted just reading that post.......... I think I need to have a nap now, lol! :)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Great to finally meet you today Jo, albeit very quickly !!