Tuesday, July 17, 2007

..umm this bird needs flying lessons

..the day actually started with a great big THUD on my windscreen.. this bird(not a small one) flew straight into my windscreen..it makes QUITE a loud noise and scared the be-jeepers out of me(I just about crashed the car!)..dont think thats good luck ..lol
..ok so today was the first day at my new school with the students..double year 9 maths to kick start...woohoo.. lucky i printed off all these footy results so we could do stats..as i said to them the rainfall in Pakistan bores me silly..can hardly expect them to be interested if im not.. quite chuffed when i had my super teaching hearing tuned in and one if the boys said i was quite good! also i apparently have a VERY different teaching style to my predecessor..not necessarily a bad thing from what i can tell..

all very different ..was a bit nervous... its funny, a teacher asked me today if i was a graduate..how i would love to be that young!!!(and as wise as i am now..LOL..as if im any wiser!!!!) got introduced at assembly..had to sing hymns and listen to a sermon..all very different from public school..but fortunately i have the ability to just tune out.. although possibly i shouldnt have been thinking about the things i was thinking about when there is a sermon going on ;)

had a nana nap cos i was sooooooooooooooo tired... was up quite late last night... and seriously did NOT want to go runnning.. i dont like running in the rain or the dark(mainly cos im clumsy and will prob fall over)..tick to BOTH..rainy and cold and dark and...u get the idea.. anyway dragged ,my fat A off the couch and decided i would run on my tready... however was def heel striking so decided to suck it up and go outside.... went for a cruisey run of 5.35kms in 30 mins(5:36 m/km) felt really easy..a few little undulating hills and a bit of downhill..was SERIOUSLY the best run i have had since injured.. felt quite strong(still not liking downhill) and felt like my running fitness was coming back.. this time 2 weeks ago..30 mins was an effort
oh yeah.. on the run this person was pfaffing around so i went to overtake on the grass(in the dark) somehow my feet got all caught up in this loose branch which hit my other leg..thought i was going to go A over T, but fortunately apart from a little girly squeal and a couple of staggering steps, my feet very fortunately disentangled themeselves..i didnt hang around to see if the couple had stoppped laughing!!! i am such a klutz..but at least i didnt fall... this time :)

then met some colleagues for a drink and dinner..and got serious ribbing(as i said im a conchy little nerdburger) cos i came home to do homework

back feels pretty good(didnt strecth enough tho cos i was racing round)
all in all a pretty good day.. its nice to be back teaching.. i really do enjoy it (although my year 8 boy are quite naughty(I was prewarned) and will be a little bit of a handful)

busy busy day (whats new jojo)


Kathy said...

Here was me thinking you were going to take up flying!

Hope the new job continues to go well. The first few days of school are always exciting (I used to teach high school maths).

Can understand why you wouldn't want to be introduced as a drinking buddy. I'm sure your conchy nerdberger persona will shine through!

Glad the Yr 9s like your style. That's half the battle.

Kathryn said...

Nice going with the run, well except for the almost falling bit :D

I'd have freaked about the bird - I'm absolutely terrified of them.

Celeste said...

I take my hat off to anyone who is prepared to teach hormonal boys. You don't get paid enough in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hey, great that you have pulled up fine from the 10Km on Sunday, great signs.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sounds like you're the type of teacher I'd want for my kids, it is so important to keep them interested. I'm a bit freaked by birds too, I hate getting swooped when I'm out running during nesting season. Have you ever seen the old Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds" - one of the scariest movies in my opinion.