Wednesday, July 25, 2007

had such a busy day again today.. after a very ..ahem.. late night last night.. i almost needed a tractor to drag me out of bed this morning..that 4ish hours sleep just wasnt cutting it..
and then the year 8's period 6 were just baing naughty today..oh well... came home for a nana nap and trying to decide whether to go for a run(even tho im not supposed to)..but then the universe (god love it.. :( decided to remind me the answer was no with some leg pain..couldnt decide if this was referred pain or just a paranoid pain... maybe the whole thing is pscho-sematic... lol
..anyway after my nap..i decided i could have fish and chips for dinner(also weigh in was pretty good today 60.1 but i dont reckon that was right..oh well im taking it)
so couldnt find my keys... we have this serious LOVE HATE relationship going on..i hate them when i cant find them(ie during our daily game of hide and seek) and hten love them when i do...2 days in a row this week i have left school with my school keys..not my car keys..only to realise when ive got all the way to my car..hehe it is very frustrating being me..
..anyway back to my point..couldnt find my keys on the way out so grabbed spare car key and house key (or so I thought) get home and yepppppppppp you guessed locked out..oh well at least i had my fish n chips to scoff.. and do you know how many specials there are in the catologues this me I KNOW them all... had to wait about an hour for flatmate to get home(she was late!!!) oh yeah and had forgotten phone or i woulda been happy as larry..again probably the universe telling me not to run consecutive days..stupid KNOW IT ALL UNIVERSE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Last time I got locked out I discovered how disgustingly easy it is to break into my own house :-)

Anonymous said...

We only have one set of keys for car and house!! I keep meaning to get a 2nd set cut because I just know if I don't something baadddd is going to happen, lol!

Celeste said...

LOL jojo!! What a crack up. I'm paranoid about locking myself out of my house - I check and recheck that I've got the keys. I locked myself out once (with no flatmate to rescue me) and it was so traumatic that I have developed a little phobia about hanging on my keys!!! The upside is that I absolutely LOOOOOVVVE key rings!