Thursday, July 5, 2007

..i looooooove this running caper

..what a great day again... however not too excited today which is good!

up and at my nieces house by 9, playing nails again(sternly told to bring my own next time)amongst other things..

then at the TAN for a session:practice for the bendigo relays..
5.1 ish kms at a pace of happy with that(prob try to stick to 5min/k at bendigo)..struggled to keep good form a little in the last km(calves were feeling kinda tight)..then met a gf there (altho she seemed unable to work out 'top of anderson st hill' and was waiting in the wrong spot!!
so with her 3mins super slow 2 walk 3jog 2 walk 3 jog 2walk 2 jog 2 walk 2 jog so an extra 13 mins to bering it up to my longest run so far... hopefully pul up well..
..not sure whats happening with the relays tho..apparently one girl short for a 2nd team..and in this recovery state i def should not be in the div 2 team...
and i got to wear my cute little running skirt at the TAN- havent been able to do that good it felt..i loved the run today..everything about it :)
..the only one small thing is the last two runs..i have had to stop 3 times in the first five mins..cos the left ankle has felt like it is made of glass and is just too painful to continue without warming it i think i need to warm ankle up a little more

then a feeling all warm and nice and and fuzzy and and and...good vibes to the world...:)

..also i just love the way kharma works...a gf of mine didnt get a permanent job(they really should have given it to her but were following their own stupid agenda assuming she would just stay) anyway turns out someone else has come along and offered her a job(with HEAPS more pay) and the first place will really have to scramble to replace her within two weeks...beeeeeeautiful.... i was extremely happy for her
..and apologies to anyone at the TAN who heard me shriek with delight whilst on the phone(it was seriously loud...i was sooooooooooooo excited for her)


Andrew(ajh) said...

I think we need a photo of this "cute little running skirt" :-)

jojo said...

already been too many pictures of my leggies lately ;)

Stu Mac said...

Pain in the ankles can't be good. Anymore aches and pains and your physio will have to treat you like a horse...

Kathy said...

Glad your friend got a better job. Be careful with that ankle. You're going to be walking on it for many years to come.

MorseyRuns said...

Loud? You?? No! Where did this ankle pain come from all of a sudden. You know I am wondering who the 5th person who saw you in your knickers was! I am investigating.

jojo said...

lol..sara...i actually said i miscounted!!!!

MorseyRuns said...

I guess it would be more concerning if 5 (or 4) people saw you without your knickers on!