Tuesday, July 3, 2007

..hard is good

..yep i def like it good and hard...a massage that is of course..mind out of the gutter people!!! gosh!!! im a good girl!!!if its not hard i get too ticklish..even she tickles me sometimes!!!!
having said that I am MAJORLY bruised from said massage..but feel FANTASTIC after it.

..have had a ripper of a day..although ran a little harder than my back is ready for.. the physio had said i could do 7-10 x 400m laps..and even i knew that was 2 much for me... so my plan was this
3laps warm up(6min /km) then 2x400 laps at 2:00(5min/km) then 2x400 at 1:54(4:45min/km) then 2 at either 4;45 pace or 5 min pace depending on how back was

ok..heres what actually transpired
3 laps @ 6 min/km pace....good girl
400m (1:46)..4:25min/km pace...cmon jo too fast
400m (1:50)..4:35 min/km pace..
400m (1:52)..4:40 min/km..thats better
400m (1:54)..4:45 min/km
and back a little tight..i ummed and aah-ed about whether to do another and decided i would but slow it down
400m (1:58)..4:55min/km pace..and 2 lap walking cooldown as back quite tight..and i knew no way could i manage another one without placing 2 much strain on back

this was def too hard a session for where im at...having said that..i wasnt sprinting..and i didnt feel like i was running that fast.. it is still 20s slower for 400 than i do them on the track in training (although it is grass as well)surprised at how fatigued i felt at the end..

..then a REALLY hard pool session with Em
2 sets of 6x2:30 hard with 30 sec recovery... found it sooooooo hard today.and the bandaid that kept threatening me wasnt helping...eeeeeyuk..and yes Em i woulda found my car all by myself :)

then straight to the MT for some pummelling..the bruises are huge..on both legs but ill pop one up of the left..be interesting to see if they are better or worse tomorrow..she looked a bit perturbed at first and is like...ummmmmm..thats ummmmmm..and im like..dont worry im a bruiser..those cups on my ITB... yowsers!!!!!! shw worked on me for 1 and 3/4 hours!!!!! i was sooo relaxed it was like....well i wont go any further but i was very very relaxed :)

and now off to dinner with gfs... what a fabbo day...aaaaaaaah life is good


Celeste said...

That's a mighty impressive bruise just from a MASSAGE!!! I've got a friend who bruises like that but she doesn't feel any pain. I'm the opposite - it takes heaps to bruise me and then it hurts like hell!

Anonymous said...

Yep, definitely abducted by Aliens!

Anonymous said...


I hate the night before weigh in, do I have that glass of red or what, lol!

Andrew(ajh) said...

Some impressive speeds there, but don't overdo it too quickly. Are you posting photos and text like that just to scare me off my first massage this week!

Kathy said...

Ouch! Ouch!

I'm a princess. I feel the pea through the 100 mattresses.

Don't give me the name of your masseur. I'd probably faint, just at the thought of going there.