Sunday, May 20, 2007 2..

..ok so day 2 of the no exercise thing..only have to make it to wednesday..unless Dr calls me when he gets the full will start running(water) with Em on wednesday

ive gone through..the whole gammit of ..i really want to exercise..ok so its not too bad not exercising(that doesnt last long,...and i think only entered my head cos i was out til 3am...and then im like well all my niggles can get better..

im still doing my checking but i think the anti's are starting to help..i can walk on my heels for a littel bit now..

still cant stand on one heel only on the right foot...when i try to it just falls flat to the ground..would be amusing if it wasnt MY foot.,toes still no strength but seem to be able to lift it better

I have hopes that the tablets might nothing if not the eternal optimist..and now ive accpeted the races i will miss..i can stop having my hopes dashed..
if i manage a 10km PB on another course other than sandown..then it would just be more appreciated!
and besides... its not natural for me to be such a MOPEY CAT.. its time for me to start being more like ME

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is normal to be a bit mopey, just a little bit.

We will have to find ourselves a nice little 10Km race somewhere for when we are better.