Saturday, January 19, 2008

..bye bye croydon... and a tough session i leave croydon tonight :( and re-immerse myself in learning to survive a crazy housemate mode of
am packing my car as we speak(yes i never do it all at once...5mins pack...wee break(small break not loo stop) then back at it.also need to vac and shove the sheets in the washing machine and do a general clean
... so this morning session..after an extremely early night...egad i was tired was ridiculus...maybe it was my 15-20mins hgyterical laughing that tird me i get a little delirious sometimes...oopsies
was supposed to be 2km warm up followed by 20mins@4:35-4:40 pace followed by 1km slow
..last week my 3x1km intervals were at 4:35 pace(and i struggled on the last one) so i knew it would be tough..
1st km...a bit fast 4:27,4:38, 4:41,4:40 4:33(only340m this bit) oh and at the turnaround point i stoppped for about10s and got my breath and then ran back for 5mins and then turned again(ummm yep a wuick 5 s stop) and i did cheat a little(yes i fessed up to stu) as i deliberately chose to run more downhill(even thouhg only very slight decline) for more than the incline) so average pace was 4:36 which i was pretty happy with considering a week and half ago 3km race pace was 4:30... i think this is a tempo session?? anyway supposed to do 1km cooldown..i was ran for 400m walked anderson st, then jogged until i got to 1.2km so 7.5 kms altogether... i made it...but i certainly wouldnt call it easier...

i rang em afterwards just to tell her i SAW ..go on guess..... yeppers.. craig mottram at the TAN and also to say how tough the session was and maybe stu thought i was fitter than i im such a whiny little cow... unfortunately no Ems for my long run will have to suck it up and go solo...bugger thats gonna make it harder to NOT go out drinking now tonight...where is the motivation now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..anyway no internet for me til monday night..cos i told my flatmate i dont want to do the internet thing with her..and ive organised one of those moblie modems which is delivered monday.. the plan is a 75-90min run tomorrow at easy pace then choice of whether or not i run on monday...gee that does make me laugh..i wonder which one i will chooose....hmmmm... hey and none of you guessed my cars name!!! anyway it is ..wait for it... the cookie cute is that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh i really do entertain myself


MorseyRuns said...

Don't worry JoJo- you entertain us too!

JH said...

It "tird" you out? That sounds a bit odd.

Anonymous said...

I guess Craig and a I are not to be, I am an early riser and he clearly likes to sleep in, I finished my 10km at the Pillars at about 8am today :-(

You will be fine tomorrow, go somewhere flat and easy and maybe take some music. If you stick with it I promise you will learn to love solo long runs, if all else fails you can always talk to yourself. Make sure you get set to go as soon as you get up too, don't put it off.

Have a great one :-)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sorry about remark on Stu's blog - couldn't resist!

Kathy said...

Good luck with the housemate JoJo.

LOL at the idea of you talking to yourself!!

Now I'm going to have to go and read Stu's blog to find out what Andrew said.