Thursday, November 22, 2007

...oooh oooh joey does good

..ooh ooh... even stu is going to be happy with me today pacing was SPOT ON
running session first before all the rubbish going on in my head :)..then people can read the running stuff and skip the rest if so desired rather than WADE knee deep through jo's miscellaneous rambling...ooops there i go
aim:4x300(60s)+2x200@38-40s with 2 min recov between each
..2.5km warm up (5:12min /km pace) achilles slightly sore..something in my shin but not sure what that is at the mo..not sore..just something a bit diff..
4 strides approx 50m
dist time(min/km pace) HR HR after 1min HR after 1.5min comment
300m (60s- 3:20min/k) 187bpm 138bpm 120 bpm (sitting on ground last 40s of recov)
300m 60s 193bpm 158bpm 123bpm
300m 59s 190bpm 140bpm 128bpm ..really felt this one..note HR after 1.5 mins was while sitting,.when i stood up it jumped way up
300m 60s 190bpm 150ish 140bpm ...........this one hurt
200m 39s (3:15min/km) 190bpm 144bpm after 1.5min
200m 38s (3:10min/km) 190bpm 144bpm 118bpm(when sitting)
2.5km cool down at 5:58min/km
6.6km plus 2x1min front plank +1x30s oblique plank each side...found it tough!!!

after my hug comment yesterda i was thinking about my ex eanna(pronounced aina(irish))he used to give bone crushing hugs..but then he was a rugby player and actually physically bench pressed me..that seriously was fun and impressive LOL..i definitely like strong guys!!! not those super big muscly men though... (and i hope he doesnt read this cos it might freak him out) but i realised yesterday that i have been seeing mt CG(once a week mainly) for nearly 5 months...oops how did it become that long already.. and yes my friends are already on my case about how i get involved with people who dont like me that much..but you the moment i like spending time wth him and we are friends and he is generally pretty nice to me..and fairly tolerant of my occasional...ummm..hyperness(I know how annoying i can be)
oh yeah how exciting is this,,, i know my back is starting to get better when i start jumping aths the other day i was walking along and kind of bouncing /jumping a little and then i went hey.... thats great..sorry a MILLION thoughts wizzing round my brain today thinking about aunt said it would be good for me within reason
...rang ian and said goodby today(cos he got a very lousy..wont look you in the eye cos im crying kind of monosyllabic goodbye yesterday LOL


Stu Mac said...

Great splits, well done!! Like an expert! I'm sure that the HR is still a bit high, but as you get fitter, I am sure it will lower. Now if you can get your 1500m laps that good and you will be very surprised of your potential time.

jojo said...

well can you tell me what that potential time impatient..i want to know NOW!!!!!!..and yes i will only write that cos the comment is already posted and stu wont read this ...LOL

JH said...

Ahh, but what if he's ticked that little box below "email follow-up coments..."? What then, Jo Jo?

Anyway - Jaykay tells me Croydon's not as feral as I thought, so let me know when you make it to my side of the city.

Stu Mac said...


jojo said...

oops..ggod one jh...i blame you LOL

Andrew(ajh) said...

Well done on those splits - very impressive!

Kathy said...

Only a million thoughts JoJo? Quiet day in there today.

Just wanted to let you know somebody read past the splits. :-)

MorseyRuns said...

Now you have made me cry JoJo! (And I will be crying a lot more if I keep watching the election coverage) Hope you get the CG sorted and start writing letters to the girls- I get pictures in the mail from Harry and Daisy and it makes me so happy.