Friday, November 9, 2007 awesome awesome is a 3 day week..should definitely happen more often!!!AWESOME.. ok have pulled up pretty well after yesterdays session...ummm anyone who read the comments yesterday would have realised..i ummm suck and accidentally did an extra rep than i was supposed to...definitely those blonde bits in my hair...and no wonder i was soooo tired..
legs were a bit tired today though.... i think its been a big week run wise
last thursday first rep session
sat racing(not flat chat)+25 mins jog
sun 11.5km
tues 7kms including 2kms @4:45 min/km
and then last night 3x400 and 2x300 plus 25mins jogg
...anyway sar asked me to go to the races tomorrow..i jumped at the chance of course...a day out with sara..too cool..a chance to frock up..woohoo... a chance to legitimately start drinking at midday..unreal banana peel..and then meeting up with jaykay tomorrow night
..anyway last night was asking my rather strict;0 coach if i could switch the long run to sat..and got the following answer "routine routine routine" but then today i rang up and once id explained my drinking status for tomorrow-LOL- i have switched it to way no how is a long run happening sunday this long run..need to get down in the morning before meeting sara at 11:30 in the lets see have to run for an hour and a bit...wait half hour for a shower..5min shower..45 mins to get ready..oh hang on..havent organised what im wearing..bugger..a bit longer to get ready..45 mins to get to city...ummmmmmmmm i think i need to be runnning at about ohh umm 7am.....thats gonna kill me!!!

..oh and today had yard duty so was doing a bit of a 'stormin norman' around the oval..ummmmmmmmm my shoes had no socks and now have two gaping blisters///JOLLY GOOD..that should make tomorrow fun..shouldnt it LOL... and i really need to buy one of those enell bras..not happy with the support at the moment..the girls are a little sore...
choice of dresses..a rich green dress, a fitted black dress(quite flattering),2 other black dresses...a red dress..a blue dress..2 or 3 dresses which have patterns..
and i have about 5 pairs of shoes which ummm all look nearly the same..or a cute red or cute blue pair or ummm i do have about 8 others that are possible.....ooooh its making my head hurt


Kathy said...

It's going to be a long day - fantastic but long.

Have a great time JoJo.

Kathryn said...

Mmmm not sure you've factored in enough time for picking an outfit. Enjoy your run and your day at the races :D