Monday, November 5, 2007 angel

...woke up and my back was super tight and a bit sore.. i called corrie to see if she could squeeze me in for a massage..thank goodness she could... was a VERY painful massage..also she did the hip flexors-that is such a weird uncomfortable feeling...and the upper back was super tight and painful
..but thankfully my achilles is really quite good least when i walked out i was a little free-er..
..anyway somehow my phone died today(it looks like it might have got wet??) i completely freaked out-i cant deal without my phone i bought a new one- signed up for 24 months..eek..that always freaks me out a littl.. anyway bought N73 nokia phone-so playing around trying to figure it all out..its not a small phone by any means.. but it does have skype enablement which means i can $12 a month for 100mins free skype talk which is good with my sister moving

horrible flatmate has come home but hasnt said anything yet about the note which said leaving open food around for days was disgusting(yes a note-you cant talk to her-she just flies off the handle).. maybe she realises it was disgusting..she has at least cleaned it up now...

a much much better day than yesterday...
not completely sure what training im supposed to do this week..i think im supposed to keep kms roughly the same..not entirely sure as to the separate sessions....


Andrew(ajh) said...

Can you remember what it was like in the years PMP (pre-mobile-phone). Sometimes I think, "How did we ever do without them?" but sometimes I just wish they'd never been invented.

Anonymous said...

What is freakier is how quickly those 24 months will pass!

Glad there is no serious fall out from yesterday's bingle.

Corrie is worth more than her weight in gold, I'd be a mess without her.

Kathy said...

You gotta love a new phone!

I'm so glad I don't have a flatmate. Every once in a while I think about the advantages of sharing the rent. Fortunately I get over it!

JH said...

Does Horrible Flat-mate read this blog?