Monday, November 12, 2007

..oh my gosh... big day

..saturday was extra-ordinarily stated previous...a belly roiling 12km run in the morning then meet sara(morsey..who looked lovely i might add)at 11:30 where we had inhaled a couple of drinks before 12:15..oops its gonna be a loooooooooong day..the most packed train in the history of the universe...was very hot..lucky someone chiller bag was right against my butt.LOL.. tooooooo much drinking till yand j for a parma then off to transport again...where sara naughty girl left me at 8:30 even tho i wasnt meeting jay until 10:30...some young guys were chatting to me and one of them was trying to get me to go to the next pub(he was 26) and i was telling him he was tooooooooo young..and hes doesnt matter and was trying to..age telling me he owned his own business...LOL.. so hung around with them for a bit ..taking photos with them...why....your guess is as good as mine!head off ot the elephant and the wheelbarrow where i had a 19 year old trying to get me to dance while i waited for the girls... finally they turned up then we drank up a storm!!!!!!!!!!! then i got my booty shaking on the dance floor..gee that was fun..someone will have to say what time we went home..cos ummm...jay/michelle..i dont know..was it 3ish,1ish,2ish,,,,no idea..
up at 12 feeling quite dehydrated...i always know when im hungover cos i walked around a bit not an ape..not completely erect(and im serious)
..anyway stu had told me to clock up a few kms on sunday so at midday decided that was the time to go...why...bad decision...i got soooo overheated and dehydrated i had to lay down for an hour cos i couldnt move..LOL
5kms @5:40 pace....i think i was still drunk
,.then tutoring at 3 then a family dinner..after which i was feeling a bit depressed(only one more weekend with the girls) so i went and saw CG

..some information has come my way about something which is really playing on my mind..unfortunately i cant remember everything i was told...d'oh... and the information does not please me shall i say... it means that someone a)lied to me b)doesnt have the same integrity that i have given them credit for
..but then all my emotiona;l energy is taken up elsewhere at the moment and i dont think i can deal with that right now....
anyway..big weekend..jojo is all tuckered out... and my special little visitor today(cant believe its practically on time!!!) means im just that extra bit tired as well..
oh yeah...back was the WORST it has been since it started feeling better yesterday..but today it is heaps better..not quite coping with conmsecutive days..sorry about the mega post but really it was a sat/sun/mon post... breathe jojo


MorseyRuns said...

I am a terrible friend for leaving you in the city- so sorry mate, but I was about to fall asleep on the table.Looks like I was just cramping your style anyway! Hope everything sorts itself out mate.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I may be able to keep up with you on the running track (just) - but as far as the way you gals party - I would have no chance :-)

Kathy said...

Sounds like quite a weekend JoJo. You sure have stamina!

Hope Barney is feeling better.

Kathryn said...

I dunno how you can run with a hangover, normally I struggle just with walking to the bathroom!

You're such a young guy magnet. But 26 isn't that young...