Wednesday, November 14, 2007

..back on track

.. oh yeah my last session..
i ended up doing hte 8kms as prescribed(but i did it on the tready with zero incline i cheated a little
2kms @5:18min/kms
was pretty tuckered out after..but im getting back on track... went to physio tonihgt (bc back was not good on weekend) and she has strapped it and given me more back and achilles stuff to do.... shes like you need someone to strap it jo...there is have to get someone to do it..i cant ..let me watch..i have to do it myself :(
quite difficult to watch somoene strapping your back/ she wants me to strap it for a while..especilly for both runs of a consecutive run(shes my aunt and saw how much i struggled with my back on sunday)

anyway was wearing a skirt i had tailored and got many ooohs and ahs at the physios...oooh you look pretty(i have to learnt o say 'thanks' to a compliment..rather than snort and say YEAH right..its very rude of me) ..LOL which was all very nice

..ive also decided i am a judgemental little pratt sometimes... i cant expect people to live by my morals..but it does mean i can and will be disappointed sometimes with a certain lack of ethics
..also on another note.. what people did or didnt do before i knew them shouldnt concern me..ive always said i will judge people by the way they treat me(and my friends too)
..easier said than done sometimes


MorseyRuns said...

Did you find out about my ra-ra skirt in 1987? My mullet in 1986 (though surely that is my mothers fault)? The time I thought that Little Joe from Bonanza was a spunk?
I am glad you are prepared to accept me for who I am now - though the fashion, haircuts and taste in men has not improved much!

jojo said...

as long as you dont wear it around me..its all cool honey... actually i found out..your BIGGEST secret..LOL

Kathy said...

I used to say 'should' way too much. I try to avoid it nowadays.

BTW, how are your non-running goals going? I was wondering if you're falling over less.

Anonymous said...

I love the quote from To Kill a Mockingbird along the lines of to truly know a man you must walk a mile in his shoes. Of course if that man or woman happens to wear a neutral shoe, whereas I require a stability shoe you won't catch me walking 5 metres in their shoes, I wouldn't want to do myself an injury so I'll just pass on walking in their shoes and be as judgemental as I damn well please LOL

Seriously, the older I get the more I adopt a live and let live attitude, as long as the people I choose as my friends don't kick kittens and puppies for laughs or anything else equally unpleasent I just take them at face value. And it can be argued at times that I am possibly just a little too uptight for my own good anyway, sometimes having people in our lives with different values helps as see life from a new perspective, again, as long as they don't kick puppies, or vote Liberal :-)

Anonymous said...

PS - have fun with your intervals tonight!