Sunday, November 4, 2007

..the death car car seems to be accident prone//(will update later) i just had an accident on the way home...all ok though but a bit of a head-ache so im going to have a nap...
..will post about the rest of the crap day..will edit later ,.when im not so cranky la la
this year(front door kicked in/front windscreen smashed/back windscreen smashed/jo reverses in grannies car/flatmate smashes into my car/now someone hits me..maybe the universe is telling me to move away from the death car and get a new one)
..ok just got A phone call from kinda forgotten i posted before..brain went a bit think the headache is just a stress headache ....ive been stressed all day today

anyway the car guy..i hit my brakes cos the car in front of me stopped..and i stopped in time and was happy and then THUD..guy rams me from behind.... (smacked the back of my head on my car seat...stupid inertia...i get out and hes like ..what happened....i looked at him and said ..well i stopped cos the guy in front did and you smacked into me...his car was NOT in great shape... my little festiva seems to have survived great! a bit of a scratch on the im like..well im prepared to let it go and you can just fix your own since its your fault...
..yes i shouldve exchanged numbers..but i didnt...i kinda freeze up a little when i crash- and we were creating quite a traffic jam.. and well really i jus didnt want to be there any more

..went for an 11.5km run today..running at 9am in the rain(have decided long run pace is about 5:25) which i stuck too.... ummmmmm first 5kms my legs were like lead...i was actually trying to remind myself i like running and remember how upset i was when i couldnt do it... but the drowned rat(me) didnt seem to be responding.... a about 9.5kms my back started to get really quite even though the plan was 12kms i cut it short a 11.5kms..very tight back...a little sore now..
..was REALLY sad this morning..was thinking about my sis leaving and was tearing up a bit...usually i would spend the weekend and them being away in tassie made me think about what its going to be like when they are away...and ive had a busy weekend :( after work drinks(early) fri / sat aths/out sat night/run sund morning /drinks for a friend's 50th this arvo ....... anyway am sad little jojo.. doesnt help that i know im going to have a fight with my flatmate when she gets home..cos i told her leaving food lying around(uncovered) since thursday is disgusting
..havent seen cg at all for a week and i think i probs p'd him off yesterday..i sent a txt message i probably shouldnt have ... damn those drunk texts.... wha a moody little cow i am..lets see i must be up to mood 20 for the day going to just go and sit quietly in a corner so i cant get myself into any more trouble


Anonymous said...

Oh bloody hell Jo you duffer, things really do happen to you.

I hope you are OK munchkin and you get checked out if that headache does not go away.

Kathy said...

I'm sorry to hear this Jo. It sounds as though you need some TLC. Be extra kind to yourself.

Kathy said...

Weird - Andrew's comment was there before I posted mine .. and now mine's ahead of his. Very strange.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Same comment as Em, make sure you get that headache checked out if it persists, hopefully it is just a bit of shock and nothing else.

Hope all is ok!.

jojo said...

something bad is going on with my computer..

Kathryn said...

Hope you and your car are okay.

I'd definitely be going mental at the housemate (we have mice atm so I'm very militant about food left out).