Thursday, November 8, 2007

..the very definition of irony

..yep.. this morning i went out to the car: oops the split in my skirt had split higher than meant..toodle off to get changed(no irony yet) Get changed into skirt and blouse...step outside into the better light...oops cant wear that-the skirt needs ironing...go back inside get changed again..another skirt(new skirt) and top..only when outside in the light do i see it needs ironing...ooops inside again for the final change!!!!! wheres the irony you might ask... well given i hardly ever iron-like less than once a ironic that 2 days after i have spent 3 hours IRONING on cup day...i cant find an item of clothing that doesnt need ironing to save myself LOL..i never usually have that problem when I dont IRON~!!!!!how freaking ironic(and no pun!)

awesome day today...and a cool day tomorrow too!no classes til 10am.....

running.. legs were a little tired at school today(im such a baby LOL) anyway was filled with anticipation at doing reps ALL day
plan 3x400m@90s 2 x300@65s
2.5kms warm up @ 5:33 min/km
3 stride throughs
dist..time...HR at end ..HR after i min(75 s recovery between each)
300m...65s...191bpm...142bpm after 120s..121bpm
1.8kms cood down @5:58min/km

yeah look the heart rate is very high..i was soooo tired during these reps... and my pacing WAS NOT even at all...first 200 way too fast every time.. oh yeah and i did my core work afterwards 1min plank x 2.. obliques 30s each side
..happy with how i pulled up..and this time my heart rate was at least nearly normal whle driving was elevated for some time last week!
and back is hoping when it gets sore its at the stage it gets better quickly..achilles niggly a little so may take anti inflamms!

ummm.i found the session EXTREMELY tough..i am sooooooooooooooo NOT fit! oh well suck it up joey bean will come! and what is with that....
..i have a gf who at the moment is in a complicated relationship- her 'new man' is involved with someone else(long term thing)(i know i know..ive said it all to her!!)..and she has been commenting on what is wrong with my love life ...
... umm .. id say something about pots and black kettles..but im not doing ANYTHING with anyone who is already TAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i found it really hard to just take those comments...!


Kathy said...

Ironing causes ironing. It's one of those great mysteries of the world, like where do all the socks go and where did all the wire coat hangers come from. That one I have the answer to - socks are the larval form of coat hangers.

From my perspective you are so so fit, even if injured. Good to see you out there keeping to your training schedule.

As for pots and kettles, it's all way too complicated!

Stu Mac said...

No comment re your ironing and dressing ability! LOL, lets just say I'm not surprised that you changed ur mind many times!

Reps....I'm sure the coach suggested 2x400 & 2x300....???

Well done, anyway and hopefully all will be ok and don't worry, the HR will continue to improve.

MorseyRuns said...

I can assure you that no-one is really qualified to comment on anyone elses relationship. (especially not me!) Glad you sorted out your ironing issues! Great hard session there mate.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I'm pretty impressed by those reps - the timings look pretty spot on to me! From someone who doesn't even do speedwork - it is impressive.

Anonymous said...

Hey great session, about 10 seconds per 400 than my sorry butt can manage at the moment.

You must have been well pleased with your self yesterday.

About 3 weeks ago I chucked a serious sook and was an hour and half last for my cousins 21st birthday party because I got changed about 6 times, you are not alone!