Thursday, November 1, 2007 didnt feel THAT hard................. heart rate always seems to make it seem like i am working harder than i am... although thats why i hate it..people forget that average is just that...some people will always be higher(by a bit) and some people will always be lower... i really want to do a max HR test to be sure
160 doesnt feel to me like im working that hard... today my HR was extremely high..and whilst it felt hard and i was breathing heavy..i couldve pushed harder resting heart rate is usually about 48(although i noticed driving over there it was a little elevated
anyway was like a little kid at christmas..all day i couldnt wait for the day to be over so i could go and run some reps(first time since before the achilles and only the 3rd since april..but this time i was allowed..woo hoo
so 15 min warmup @6min -ish pace(Hr was 150-155 which seemed a bit high..)(2.5km)
then 3x400m reps.. i used to be able to crank out 80s reps for 400m and do about 6is of them... umm 90s was a whole lot harder today..ill put the HR in even thoguh i dont want to
90s 181bpm
91s 185bpm
91s 191bpm but it didnt feel that bad:i mean i was breathing hard... all with 70 s recovery between
then 1.9km cool down and lots of stretches

anyway achilles was very sore during the first km(as it always is) but loosened up..a bit sore now..but not too bad..and back is fine..did loads of stretches..oh and my core work
..pat on head for jojo

and yes ajh.. you did mention once that we were on the same biorhythms...which is quite amusing..that means once every 5 weeks or so you must feel a bit teary LOL a happy girl... only one thing today would make me EVEN happier than i am at the moment ;)

dont even feel tired after the session

1 comment:

Stu Mac said...

Well done on the reps! Remember the reps are run at an even pace, meaning if 400 is to be run in 90 sec then the the first 200 should be in 45 sec.

As you said the HR was high, but it will improve, hence why I asked and the final rep had a very high HR as you tried to make up time and finished off hard. Control..even pacing..that's the key.

Well done