Saturday, November 10, 2007

..dodgy sushi???

..ok this is made BEFORE i go to the races..BEFORE i start drinking...
..i think i may have eaten some dodgy sushi last night.. when i went for my run this morning at the Tan (12kms) i had already had some errr ummmmmm runny 'poohs'... anyway got to the tan started running(the toilet stop is always 5 mins away) had to stop a couple of times and walk cos i thought i wasnt going to be able to hold it was horrible..finally got to the toilet...but only you know how hard it is to walk when you are clenching RIDICULOUSLY hard!!sorry not a noce topic..anyway so the belly was a little shhall we say upset... came out did some strectches and set of again...belly not overly happy... however after 6kms..i was having overwhe,ming waves of the 'im going to vomit" and started dry reaching while i was running9and i wasnt working hard at all-not exercise related..and i only had 2 drinks last night).. so this was 6kms and im like oh bugger...and it felt more of a case of..when i am going to vomit not..IF.. anyway managed to keep running...but im sure i got a few odd glances when i was dry reaching at hte smae time evry so often... finally finished(yeah pleasant run..about as pleasant as when i got my tattoo...but the tatoo took less time) anyway stopped at the end ..knelt down at started dry retching again...trying very hard not to actually hurl..cos well i knew if i started it wasnt going to be pleasant... got back in my car-still feeling ill...and had to grab a bowl to use as a bucket case..yep still almost vomiting.. anyway got home and decided i might as well have a sausage roll...LOL..i didnt even feel like it overly but thought well it will either stay down or stop this stupid sick feeling.... anyway belly roiled for a while but has since settled....belly still feels like its had a workout...
anyway here are my times for the Tan.laps
20:10 (5:16min/kms)
20:35 (5:22min/kms)
20:37 (5:23min/km)
plus 500m
altogether 64 mins for 12kms (3x3.83+.5) at an average of 5:20min/kms..
..the legs were pretty lead like..but at least the sushi-belly kept my mind off it!!!

came home and am all frocked up ready to go to the races... am wearing aroyal blue(kinda) dress with matching blue shoes and a hat that if you step on it or sit on bounces right back!!!!!! cool bananas... i was home by 9"15 this morning having already completed my run!!!!

thinking i should take it easy with the drinking since my belly is feeling tender
OH AND should have had your butt down at the Tan early this morning...loads of football teams training......


Stu Mac said...

Well done, nice pacing and hopefully you can 'manage' a few kms sometime on Sunday. This will help consolidate the week and get you used to racing on Sat & then backing up the next day.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Determined effort there - no way I'd make 3 laps with a dodgy tummy!

BTW, Sunday week is SiS3 (isn't it?)

Anonymous said...

Ughh, you poor thing, nothing worse than food poisoning, it comes out all ends.

Hmmm, footballers training around The Tan you say, and what time would this be???

Kathy said...

I was running behind some of the Canberra Raiders today .. very nice. Almost sped up to prolong the moment.

Celeste said...

Been there myself a couple of times. Never an easy choice - do you speed up or slow down?? Neither has very pleasant outcomes!!

JH said...

Ahh good. Now I can't stop thinking about your bowels. And just after breakfast too.

lg said...

What a trooper - after that horrible effort, you still made it to the races! Hope your tum settled down - I couldn't imagine anything worse!