Tuesday, November 27, 2007

..oooh i guess thats good pain..

..ill get back to the title later..
..didnt run this morning even though stu advised that as opposed to this afternoon(and yes of course he was right plthththt) but i really did think my back needed the extra half day to recover..it has been quite bad since sunday..which reminds me to take my anti inflamms
...school was productive..
then went running..OMG..what a disaster..was supposed to be 5:10min/km and hten 4kms in 5ish min km, then a slow 1km
..this is what happened
0.8km(warm up tight achilles) 5:30m/k
1km 5:15
1.5km 5:15
2.1km 5:21
1.5km 5:09
1.1 5:30 (just had nothing in legs)
1km cool down at 5:30
nearly pulled the pin on a bout 10 occasions..had to stop at least 3 times in the shade for a minute(i dont think it was that hot..but i was struggling) and i wished there were more drink taps...shouldnt have gone at 5pm today
..any way when i texted stu to tell him i failed to do the session quite as i was supposed to :( i called it a ballbreaker of a run..which is exactly what it felt like.... it was f.ing HIDEOUS.. i dont like that i couldnt do as i was supposed to do

and then went and had a massage tonight... i seriously love corrie...she rocks!it hurt but it was the good pain i guess... i could take it..(i hate it when she is working on my back..sooo lumpy...and my left glute med...was tight as anythin) shins lumpy and calves/achilles were very very tight...
it hurts its painful but then it feels good
..now jh.... youve now said again lets not meet for a drink... i get it OK!!!! lol...im kidding... ive told you youre a figment of my imagination anyway..funny how my figments keep insulting me..LOL.. and i dont cry in front of people so youre quite safe
..obviously ive beeing 'seeing' cg for the last few months(in some respect anyway/shagging/seeing.whatever you choose to call it)
i got asked to go on a blind date last weekend and i didnt take up the offer even though apparently he was an 'owen wilson' look-a-like..which begs a few questions( y not springs to mind-even tho i think i know the answer to that...and also that even. tho he .......actually.. im not going to state those thoughts here because i do need to try to be a little more discrete... and yes ts 12:15 am at the mo as i type this
seriously....i suck...
..as i was thinking to myself as i was driving to massage..when am i actually GOING to be AN ADULT.. ...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Stu Mac said...

At least you got the run done, maybe not perfect, but done & ticked off the calendar.

MorseyRuns said...

Hey mate- sounds like a tough run but you did it and kept going when it was bad. It was a good catch up on the weekend!

Kathy said...

I never used to get the "good pain" idea, but I'm getting there. Well done on toughing out your run. The heat does make a difference.

Andrew(ajh) said...

What suburb does this wonder Corrie work out of? I might have to look her up?

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