Friday, September 21, 2007

..harder than i thought that was harder than i thought.. i just resigned from my job(the one im on leave from) i thought the principal would have realised since i made an appointment with hi,..He was COMPLETELY shocked.although he did appreciate that i made sure noone else knew so he wouldnt find out on the grapevine(i thought he should know first..) anyway saw many ex-year 7's got soo excited and dragged me into their classroom and were quite upset when i told them(they asked me so i wouldnt lie..crestfallen would be a good word to describe..i dont think they had realised i probs wouldnt be teaching them next year anyway)The teacher(who is a friend of mine-gorgeous of the nicest people ever..a real MUM type) actually left the room cos she was tearing up... the kids are like where has Miss L gone???
so then emailed all the people i missed seeing..have received many nice emails..but it does make me a bit sad.i am leaving many valued friends..many of these i will still be in touch with.but i am sad none the less
..trying to decide whether to do some squash drills or not..i have the race tomorrow maybe i should just do my simulations that i have been doing at home..yes i look like a lunatic..but if thats all im allowed to do, then im going with it
times for tomorrow: last year i ran 17:21 for hte lap of the Tan..would be happy with that but given my complete lack of fitness,i just dont know what to expect.i expect somewhere between 4:30 and 4:40 min/kms will be mighty p'd off if i dont get that drinks start at 5:30 tonight..i think i need to have a drinking curfew so i can run well tomorrow..10:30 sounds reasonable i think..
..oh and go pies


Kathy said...

Yes, I've found it harder than I thought it would be in the past too. It was really difficult to leave my last job. I was ready to move on but I loved the people. One of the really nice things that happened to me lately is that half a dozen of them contacted me to wish me a happy birthday, four months after I left.

Hope you enjoy your run tomorrow. Am looking forward to hearing how you go.

Anonymous said...

My last place of employment was really difficult to leave when I made the decison, its hard when you are so lovable ;)

have a great run today :)