Thursday, September 6, 2007

..seriously jojo..what planet do you live on

..umm where to start..can i begin with im glad it happened today cos i have had a bit of a moodswing..
i have decided to try not to let the little things upset me..or the inconsequential people in my life(ie flatmate) i dont know how long it will last but im giving it a go...
as i was telling a student today....(he was complaining about interactions with a teacher) i said you know you cant change someone elses behaviour but you can change how you react and how much you let yuorself get upset..
so im taking my own advice...
..ok we all know im crap..I LOST my silly keys at school today(not y school keys) but my house/car keys... so i couldnt drive my car home... had to catch PT with a million boys from school..wasnt that fun you know didnt upset me(it really wouldve yesterday)
so PT to my tutoring job..was going to walk the 3-4kms home in the dark(said no 3 times) but htey did actually insist..i am EXTREMELY bad at letting peopple do things for me..i know where it stes from but i just dont seem to be able to get rid of this baggage!
anyway came home got y spare car key and decided to jog back to my car...gto my camelback and loaded it up with too much stuff....(only 2kgs but it was enough) ok thought it was about 5kms....ummmmmmmmm no..8kms and back was sore from 4 mins onwards...oopsies..

come home..cooked steamed vegies and rice...having a wine and still feel very calm and relaxed... i do need to switch my head on sometimes as the amount of stuff i llose is ummmm ludicrous.... no wonder all my friends shake their head at me LOL

and happy bday to sara for tomorrow????


Kathy said...

JoJo, it sounds like you need to attach your keys to a great solid lump of wood. If you can't find your keys then you can look for the lump of wood and hit yourself over the head with it!

This is a little out of left field. Have you heard that if you say "I hope I don't lose my keys" you put the idea that you will lose your keys in your head and then you lose them? Maybe you could try thinking, "I know where my keys are" and you'll stop losing them. Better yet, tell your self "I always know where to find things". Your conscious mind will laugh but your subconscious mind wouldn't recognise a lie if you put a sign on it.

Mind you, putting your keys in the same place all the time would help too. ;-)

Kathryn said...

I reckon you could fix that key problem with a staple gun :D

As for the housemate, great attitude (plus nothing pisses people off more than when you smile sweetly at their bitchiness cos they just want the conflict).

MorseyRuns said...

Thanks! I think you should tie your keys to something like an old CD- then it is big enough that you can always find it without taking up valuable real estate in your purse.
And I agree with Kathy about the negative talk- time to tell yourself that you are fantastic at retaining your keys (though I have been telling myself I am gorgeous and slim for years but it doesn't always work!)

Andrew(ajh) said...

That is good advice you gave that boy, and great that you decided to follow it yourself.