Saturday, September 22, 2007

..jojo you are not 100 years old.....OK

..well i woke up very excited today cos i knew i was going to run and get to run fast.. i did have a niggling doubt in hte back of mind cos i knew if i thoroughly analysed thursdays run i should have noted it actually hurt a bit more than it should have..jojo will you ever learn
i even left the works drinks early so i could run(well then this got thwarted cos i still ended up having a few wines after this....)

anyway bright as a button..had remembered to pack evrything except my tracksuit pants..oops..
..saw Em walking past my car..she must think i stalk her LOL...
..was a bit nervous about being put in the div2 team(if fit this would definitely have been my spot today) but i was a bit worried about the went off for a little trot and is was definitely niggly.. so i ased phil to put me in the div 4 team(i knew ritas time would be faster than mine if i had to stop for achilles)-this is my WISE decision for the day

so Em and i ran the same leg..woohoo..was great to line up with her
i took off and felt really strong..on hte flat was running less than 4;30min/kms.took it relatively easy up anderson and was feeling great..running well wihin myself..achilles a bit tight..but of course it is... keep running strong to the 2km mark and then literally feel a pain shoot through my achiles.right to the top..had to stop and stretch for 20s and then gingerly started running again..was very painful..i was definitely limping ..OUCH.. then towards the end Em came up beside me which was good cos it took my mind off the pain a bit..but then as she saw the finish line she started to speed up..i cant help myself..i didnt actually care about beating her, but i didnt want to be beaten so i grimaced and kept up LOL
..highlight of my day was Em and i crossing the finish line together.. i suspect there will be a few races next year when we are running not too far away from each other
..finished up..and as SOON as the muscles started to cool down hte injury got worse and worse..i an barely walk :( am hobbling around..and have to admit that i am actually injured this is a state that i know how to react to...plan least a week off running
2.back to water running
3.anti inflamms of course
4.keep positive about my naughty little body that is doing battle with me constantly at the moment
oh yeah when i went and looked at peter(trialling that name for my garmin) i noticed just before hte achilles tweaked.. i had just upped the pace to between 3:30 and 4min/kms min

below is a breakdown of the approximate times in each of hte speed zones..
speed MIN/KM Mins at that pace(approx)1 min or so not accounted.20-30s of that is due to stretching)

3:30-3:59............ 1:10mins
4:00-4:29............ 6mins (approximate same amount in 4-4:15 as 4:15-4:30)
4:30-4:59............ 6mins (more in 4;30-4:45 ratio of about 3:2)
5+ ..............3:33mins definitely up the anderston st hill

so overall not happy with the run..but was happy at how easy 4:15-4:20 pace felt
oh yeah 14 seconds slower than last year(but way less fit and stretched in middle for longer than 14s) and i dont want to publish this post cos it just makes it more real
AND GREAT work good to see you out there running


Kathryn said...

Oh no, that really sucks. Hope you're recovered real soon.

Anonymous said...

You're a stubborn little JoJo aren't you, hopefully a week or so will see you right.

I knew something had gone amiss when I caught you because you had streaked away from me at the start.

Take care munchkin.

Up for a churn in the pool on Monday if you like.

Kathy said...

Look after your achilles tendon JoJo. A friend of mine just snapped his playing squash and is in a cast for some time .. long rehabilitation in store for him.

Just as well you made the decision to run in Div 4 - good to see you being a wise woman.

MorseyRuns said...

Hey there- hope you have woken up pain free this morning. Pool running for me this week too I think- I am all out of ideas.