Wednesday, September 5, 2007 is.. is like going to confession(going to the physio) and i fret and worry about the stuff ive done that i shouldnt have and then contemplate lying and then my BOSSY friend(lol) tells me i cant lie..and being the dutiful girl that i am(actually im not joking im am terribly sure its a major flaw and hte reason i always end up doing stuff i dont want to) i do what im told..
pmsl at jh's commment

tonight was going go do squash-took the racquet to the gym just in case a court was free..decided not to check as it is did 25 mins on the spinning bike and some uppper body weights(woo hoo weights 2x in a week) was average..
..have been a bit down..but mainly cos its just not nice being at home at the moment and i dread being here as i never know when shes just going to yell and be crazy flatmate as opposed to just not talking to me flatmate..fortunately one of my friends invited me over last night so a couple of drinks was very nice..much better company than psycho flatmate
morsey:you will be glad to hear ive decided not to buy that present for myself that i was talking about on
ill just stick with the garmin as a pres i think...
thats all folks..tired stressed little joey bean


Kathy said...

I'm living on my own at the moment and loving it. Every once in a while I share and it reminds me why I love my own company.

Kathryn said...

Housemate problems are the worst, you can't escape them. Sometimes I don't get out of bed until my housemate leaves so i dont have to talk to him. how long until she goes?

MorseyRuns said...

In my old share house I would stay in my room until I heard her leave then I would get up- if she stayed home I would eventually just make a break for the front door. Hope you get her out soon! Mate you should buy yourself whatever makes you happy.