Friday, September 14, 2007

..uh oh..chocolate , chips AND shopping

..mmmmmhmmmmmm... i have been trying to do my ossieostrich for hte past week but today my achilles, decided to pull my head out of the sand kicking and screaming..

had a good start to the day, minus the hour plus that i ended up being in traffic for(what not used to driving through the city at peak hour)..and then decided to go for a run...was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about what to run, he thinks i should stick to slow runs and no speed yet but no more than 50 mins..ok so the plan was to run for 50 mins... uh uh!!! went to the tan so i could kind of watch the time..was aiming for between 5:40-6min/km pace... was difficult to stick to that i stuck with it
first lap 21:35 so 5:39pace..perfect..the achilles was really sore for the whole run..i was literally trying to work put what the difference between a niggle and a 'you really should stop running pain' is(also when i stopped for drink and restarted it hurt HEAPS and i was kinda limping for a bit while running hmmm) anyway...the universe musta been bored (and listening)because it decided to show me exactly what the difference is(and remove all doubt) the end of the second lap when trying to run up anderson st...i actually couldnt...too tight and hurt too much....even i knew that was a sign to stop..still quite sore so i suppose i will ice it and take anti inflamms... dont think it will stop me from running..ill give it another go on sunday(and i have squash drills tomorrow)
so all up 40 mins i think @5:40ish min/km pace..but a disappointing run :(

so on my way home..a bit depressed, i went shopping..bought a dress(quite flattering 2, 2 nice shirts for work, a snug skirt ....i do have to say that i love the fact that i only ever grab a size 10 now for my bottom half(i used to grab the 12..just in case...)
having said that , i may not be doing that for much longer..i went and bought chips...and chocolate(and i so irregularly eat choc..feel a bit sick after eating

staying home to watch the pies(cwood) of my ex-colleagues is coming to look at the room..he's a bit cute too(i think he has cute friends too) dont worry..wouldnt go there tho--i have a rule about boys that are skinnier than me :) made that mistake once before..nothing wrong with living with a bit of eye candy tho!!!


Anonymous said...

LOL, I have a rule about boys skinnier than me too, I can't date someone with skinner legs than mine, though obviously would make an exception for Craig (seems he has lost my number)

Hope psycho flat mate leaves soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, knew I had something else to say. I reckon my inability to determine niggle from pain was what got me into trouble in the first place. My new rule of thumb is that if it affects my stride it's time to stop. My Doc's rule of thumb is that if it is ANY pain I should stop LOL

Andrew(ajh) said...

I am nursing my lower calf / achilles too - sounds like yours might have just got worse than mine though - hope it responds to treatment quickly.

Kathy said...

Sheesh, if I ruled out guys skinnier than me I'd be in real trouble!

I think I'm a step ahead of Em's Doc - if there's the slightest possibility of pain then stop! Don't wait till it happens.

MorseyRuns said...

Narrowing the field down to only boys skinnier than me might leave me with no-where to go! I have a height restriction instead- 1.75 and above only.