Sunday, September 16, 2007

..a battle of wills

..ok.. in one corner we have jojo..who has been sidelined due to back injury.. in the other an achillles that is trying to exert his authority.. but .. he needs to realise he is playing OUT of his weight category... do you hear that annoying little will not win this battle..give in and stop trying it on!!!OK

so i decided not to run the spring into shape series :( after the achilles hurteven walking yesterday..massaged it yesterday, iced it and coddled the annoying little brat... so decided to try out lower HR slow run <45mins as advised by a friend.. to say it hurt for the first 11 mins would not be a lie,(but everytime i stoppped and was EVEN worse when i initially started off..ouchies) i could even say it eased up to maybe just niggling for about 10 mins after that. and then the next 10 mins the achilles decided to go from what had been a belly grumble to an all out loud grumble culminating in a TANTY..seriously.. the little brat decided that no way no how was i going to run after 34 this stage i was limping and unable to push off with it at was just like a SOLID block....and once i start limping and my gait has had to change..even i will stop
so im contemplating resting it for 2 days..but am going to do squash drills in about half hour..just hitting the ball up and down the running at all..will try to cap it at half hour

and well done to em,andrew,kathrynoh and jaykay(the little speedster PB ..excellent)

thanks for the kind words yesterday..but dont not stressed about boys..they are just little aliens point trying to understand them LOL
pmsl about what sara was saying to me on the phone today about my yesterday's post


Andrew(ajh) said...

Good decision not to race today Jo - look after that achilles.

Anonymous said...

If I were your achilles I would be very scared!