Wednesday, July 9, 2008 an irrational person sometimes

..there are times when i am not exactly the most rational person in the world..and unfortunately i actually even know that at the time...which is even more annoying...

..i reacted in a very irrational manner to something very small..which i continued to stew over... and i had an absolutely dreadful nights sleep.... and sent a text message in the morning that i really wish that i hadnt :( oh well -you cant take it back
70 min pool run..reasons:my back was pretty sore(bending was very difficult last night...lots of think it also affects my mood-poor stu had a grumpy gal on his hands), i have a niggle in my outer quad,and a niggle in my knee,and when i took off my back strapping last night- i actually ripped a little skin with it(so couldnt face putting strapping on(and no way can i run without it!!)... so all in all water running seemed the best option. we equate pool running to 6min/kms so the run counts for 11.5 kms
..that means i have already run 42kms from sunday..which is already as much as any of my previous 4weeks totals..its going to be a heavy i have two sessions tomorrow..god knows how many km
WOW... this was a seriously painful massage. my hamstrings were soooooo tight, my glutes-well they always are tight... but my quads were absolutely hideous(especially the right one). it went for an hour and half..i told corrie to charge me a double session but she just refused

i got to show her my gory knee photos.... thats always fun :)
if anyone wants to look at them heres the link


Anonymous said...

She really is very good to us runners isn't she!

My turn tomorrow and 3 weeks since the last one, I am expecting a fair amount of grimacing too.

See ya Saturday.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I'm sure that whoever was the recipient of the text will realise that it was "irrational Jo" and that inside there beats a heart of gold. It'll sort itself out :-)

jojo said...

awww andrew, you are such a sweetie

Stu Mac said...

Its called stretching!!!