Saturday, July 12, 2008

4km race at geelong

okerly dokerly stu had told me my legs would probs be fatigued...and correct he was(ummm am i yoda..with my turn of phrase gosh i crack myself up

he had also told me i COULD not be ahead of Em at the first km...and umm i couldnt have EVEN if i had wanted to..gosh they shot off.... was trying to just keep up with Em but that in itself was a HUGE was very interesting to follow someone else..she ran a great race..the ground was soft underfoot- the hills just about killed me...and with about a km to go i was startting to slow(and there was a long slow hill....not acute but tiring and i just couldnt go with her... well done em
i ran 18:49 so around 4:42min/kms so im pretty happy with that...although stu did say he thought i would have run faster...ummmmmm yeah maybe if you hadnt made me do a million(for me) kms honey!!!!!!!lol
anyway os it was a fun day...spoke to lotsa people from wes aths, and em and lou from sandringham and of course all my burgers... felt like i knew heaps of people which was really lovely..... oooohhhhhhh i do like this running caper

than home...and now off to hang out with jay and michelle and em. and then run 90mins with em in the morning...ooooh that may not be pretty... maybe i should not drink tonihgt.... LOL>... now i really have cracked myself up
...only disappointing thing for me today was one of the girls i train with..i would have expected to beat and she beat me :( oh well cant help that..she didnt have to caryy around the HEFFER-load of weight that i
i really need to do something about it... am 3 kgs heavier than the norm...although..some of it may be starting to be legs are way muscly at the mo.. anyway better head off for a night of frivolity
ciao bellas


Andrew(ajh) said...

So based on todays run, is 4:40 over 5kms next Sunday, that is 23:20 a good goal?

jojo said...

4:40 on cross country course should equate to slightly quicker for the 5km i would hope. i will aim for sub 23 but not sure if i will make melb was 23:20 and i should be slightly faster now

Anonymous said...

Well, as you prophesied it was not pretty, it was pretty damn ugly actually, but we dragged each other through it, so glad I had you out there today.

Saturday was fun though, one of my fave days so far this year.

Stu Mac said...

A well controlled race and listening to coaches instructions is excellent!

Ignore those U14 girls, power to weight ratio is cheating! And in 5 years you will be kicking their 19 year old butts!!!

Ewen said...

I'm most impressed that you followed instructions. I'll take a guess he'll have you running sub-22 next week.
Hanging onto Em is worth writing home about too.

I'll swap my dud 10k PB for your 800m one. 2:34 is a time to dream about!! Whoops, that's two exclamation marks.