Friday, July 11, 2008

OMG -are they really my legs

errrrr as the title suggests.... my legs were the most sore i can remember -since i did a squash coaching clinic that went for 8hours(i could barely move that day either... stu seriously gave me a tough session yesterday and the legs were SCREAMING today.... practically everywhere in teh quads and inner legs(and teh back as well)
..some dufus left hteir racing shoes at home so had to drive 45 mins each way to gte them and come back to stu's...then a spot of shopping at the local mall... bought a white long sleeve under-running top, 2 jackety things(track top types) and a new handbag
..then we had some burritos yum yum and had a date went to the movies..saw HANCOCK which i actually quite enjoyed..... although now we are about to watch saving private ryan-which whilst a great movie is pretty heavy im not expecting to race the 4kms well tomorrow-as my coach told me..he has been deliberately hammering me in training so i will see benefit in 6 weeks... and i am definitely tired and fatigued in the legs....

have fun pussycats :)


Andrew(ajh) said...

If shopping was a sport, I'd pick you first for my team :-)

Don't worry about me "running away from you" at Princes Park. I was re-reading the "Ausrunners handicap" thread the other day, and given my lack of running recently I thought your time estimate was a whole lot more realistic than mine. If we run somewhere around 4:35 kms we should hit your goal time. As I've said before, it is my first 5km race ever, so whatever I run will be a PB.

Stu Mac said...

SPORT....yep the Olympic Team!!!

Gotta love holidays when you can squeeze in approx 10 training sessions per week and a hard deep massage, no wonder the legs are feeling GOOD!!! LOL