Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...uuuuuugggggggh i smell.......................

like chlorine that is.i went to the pool for a 45 min water run at weribee today(back kinda lousy today so no way was i going to run)...1.8m all the way. i usually rave about it- well they had one swim squad start before the other had finished so there were no public lanes(this is 15imins into my run) anyway i asked the pool lady and shes like they will finish soon, so ive kinda said..well i cant run in the small pool cos i touch the bottom..anyway she was particualrly helppgful :) and let me run in the lane where she was giving one kid a lesson..i tried to take up as little room as possible. I also made sure that i went and thanked her again, after i got out of the pool. as i was very appreciative.
work was pretty good, except for the fact-im going to have to do worked solutions to one chapter out of the year 12 books-there are so many mistakes in the solutions in the textbook- i dont know what the people who wrote it were thinking-very very bizarre..

not a very exciting dinner today(obviously it was me making i didnt get home til after 8 so all i made was a chicken roll:( but it also meant i have my lunch for tomorrow prepared as well

hope things went well for Em

i feel for you hon, after all the water running we did last year-it is very difficult to go back to it


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a Chicken roll. Protein and carbs makes a good meal :)

Anonymous said...

Ahh thanks sweetie, it's just like a riding a bike really, you don't really forget it.

But no matter how much I shower I still smell of chlorine too.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Even with all the talk from you and Em about this pool running lark, I can't quite come to grips with how it works.