Monday, July 21, 2008


the funniest thing happened today at school.. i was in the office talking to the maths coordinator(while my year 12 class were working(of sorts) away..when a lady came in and said the principal(brand new principal so going round visiting classes) was in the class next door...oooopsies -thats my class..i just about flew out of the the boys said later that my face went bright bright red...and after the principal left... im like...BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! couldnt you have taken your ipods out when the principal came not supposed to wear ipods in class... what a good impression i my colleagues were pissing themselves laughing when i told them...even stu cracked a smile when i told him the story

anyway-in a great mood today..although my butt is red raw-i look like a BABOON...when i dont put the undertape under my taping-my skin reacts quite badly. (one of the taping starts half way down hte glute and goes up to the cetre of the back) It is fairly stinging at the moment. I cant put the undertape on by myself though-its quite difficult.its a good effort to put on the rigid tape

had soft tacos for din dins..yum yum..unexciting ...but i like stuff like that. have eaten healthy coke zeroes.boohoo

running today was at best a chore.the race yesterday obviously took a lot more out of my legs than i realised.i knew when i walked up stiars and my legs were groaning and tired-i was like..oopsies, thats not going to be good.and good it wasnt.i very slowly ran for 25mins.and then had to talk with the boys and dismiss them before i was supposed to do another 25 mins. i just couldnt drag my butt out again.My back had become extremely tight(it always is straight after runing) and my legs had only just managed the early run, so i decided to pull the pin. I called stu and he was surprisingly accepting of the fact that i couldnt get back out. He is a good lad :) ill keep him around ;)

i dont understand boys fascination with farts i must say! they seem to be born with it! lol


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for checking with Stu about my long run, very much appreciated :) I hope he didn't mind.

My legs were sore today as well and I only managed a 2km walk, took me 20 minutes, how embarassing!!

Anonymous said...

Ahoy you should post the photo of you and your bling now I've put them on the forum! Preeetttyyy bling...

Nice going on getting out there to do 25 minutes in the first place!

Andrew(ajh) said...

That is what used to be called getting "sprung". Hope he won't hold it against you!