Sunday, July 13, 2008

...OMG is it possible to be this tired one may ask themselves..
errr the quick answer is up drinking til 2:30 and up at 7:30 to go for an hour and a half 'death run'
em came and picked me up for one of possibly the worst runs i have ever had. and i really do need to apolgise to Em, i think i bitched and moaned for ummm 85 of the 87 mins legs were completely stuffed- it didnt really help that i didnt have dinner last night(unless chips and choc count as dinner) and then nothing for brekky before the run either.. whenever we were in the open on the way home there was a bitch of a wind... we turned around at about 43-44 minutes and then i hit the wall(dont worry -not and ummm yeah it kinda never passed.. it was a complete slog anfd it was only because Em who was being an angel and dragging me along...despite a few'i cant go any faster's ' from me. As i said today was a tick im the box-kms in the tank or whatever stu says... but f#ck a duck- the joy element was well i really enjoyed yesterday..definitely the most fun day of the season
just checked hte resultd..99th in hte female open ,,woohoo top 100 (errr im not telling you how many people..but i think it puts me about the 80th percentile

..and emotionally-i seem to be all over the shop at the moment... i think its just that i feel completely unattractive at the moment. i have put on a few kgs(about 3 i think) and just feel yukky. i have started a healthy eating plan this week which i have been doing rather well.and stuck to the one coke for the weekend.ive decided to not have coke zeros at all but on the weekend i can have a real coke. and my sunday food doesnt have to be quite as strict as hte other days. i did have bacon eggs and a hash brown for brekky but havent eaten since..although im pretty damn hungry now(it was at midday so it was brunch)

i am so ridiculously tired.5 hours sleep just doesnt cut it. some interesting conversations last in particular that i found a tad disconcerting. anyway this grumpy little tacker is going to lay down on the couch ....zzzzzzzz


Anonymous said...

Ughh, it was ghastly but we got through it.

You forgot to mention the stupid little kid that almost ran you down.

Lack of sleep always makes me tired and emotional, I have been a monster today.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Hey Jo - have a nice rest ! That wind today was a killer, and you were out in it for a lot longer than me!

MorseyRuns said...

Good work getting out there though- nothing like running with a hangover, I think you have earned your coke this weekend.