Monday, February 25, 2008

..some respite

..its amazing how quickly your body forgets pain :)

i had forgotten just how bad my back is was really quite bad yesterday..i couldnt get in or out of the car very easily(just ask stu- he saw me getting inn and out like i was a pregnant lady) with much grimacing..anywa was VERY unenjoyable... took some extra anti inflamms and also some panadeine...
pleasantly surprised today when i was only slightly uncomfortable.. yay... that was seriously the best i could have hoped for... i can cope with a wee bit of pain-as long as it recovers ok!!
anyway..water running today as opposed to real running/// and was very excite because for hte first time in AGES- i had a pleasant run(albeit in water)
..i have been sooooooooooooooooooooooo unmotivated lately... i think its mainly because the track season has finished and then i thought that i was having a rest period(and yes i know it is me who chose to run the masters so im not complaining.its just my body that is rebelling a little

anyway have also done my core strength work which i seem to have been set everyday for the next week and a bit- yes my coach is a lave driver
..oh yeah andrew- dont worry i will be right for run 4 the kids...


Anonymous said...

Sweetie it must be bad if you resorted to the medication, I know you don't like to take it.

Look after yourself

Andrew(ajh) said...

With the exciting prospect of doing the R4TK with me, how can you possibly not be motivated!

Seriously though, I hope the back gets better soon, it sounds horrible. Go easy for a few days!