Wednesday, February 27, 2008

..ok... so im a an impatient git.. trying to count my blessings... i really am
..i dont want to be someone who complains...
..i want to be a half full girl
..this is what half full girl is thinking: lucky to be back running running loads faster than this time last year
..great job
..really like the boy i spend time with
..when my back gets REALLY sore- it recovers quicker

unfortunately..for every YING there is a YANG and half empty girl counters with
..running hurts me -sometimes significantly not able to play squash
..great job-mostly
..not running as fast as when i was 10
..lets not go there about the boy..people know whats on my mind and what stresses me back still GETS very very very sore..its 11 months on and im still having quite a lot of issues

..sigh... half full girl will win...but the last one(back) on half empty is not always winning... physio AGAIN tonight..back feels pretty good now...but she did comment how tight it was(tightest for quite some time).adn she did mention that if i wasnt running fast and .often i probs wouldnt have this back pain nearly so often..but we both know im HAPPY to put up wiht a bit of pain as opposed to not exercising/competing.. hopefully not quite as bad as sat and sund tho--wasnt really very enjoyable...
..i just want to go back to being the girl who can do anything she wants anytime she wants who's natural fitness will always see her thru...and yes i know how whiny that is..but that used to be me :) and now im this person who always has to think thru whether or not the repercussions of my back are ok... and im NOT someone who likes to think that far ahead when it comes to sport or doing something FUN...yeah im sure youre all shocked to the bone eh!!!!

anyway..50 minutes pool running(was boring and my legs were fatigued) i think its the first time ive done 5 days consecutive in a while all good.. i just need a kick up the pants..and to remember to count my actually a very lucky girl.....(just dont kick me too hard...or it will hurt my damn back!!!!!! lol..can you see where im at!!!!!!
BOYS___..oh yeah forgot about this.. there is a guy I chat to on msn(only a friend... not a friend like 'my friend'-lol ) anyway just about every week he asks me to go somewhere with him... i feel bad..but i dont know what to say,.... maybe he is just being friendly... i have had stuff on every time.... which is why im surprised he keeps asking??? also- the guy who sits next to me at work was a bit bizarre the other day... im like..."can i ask u a question and can you tell me the truth(cos sometimes he is silly) and he goes....'yes jo i think youre pretty-.... it kinda freaked me out a bit... i kinda put my head in my laptop and just said..what is wrong with you..i just wanna know if its 2man tents for kids at camp..and then hes like...why do you wanna bunk in with me... lets not beat around the bush.... um it was very weird..i made some lame-o comment and then i went and got some coke zero.. im sure he was just fooling around(very much hope so... cos seriously...not interested)- besides which- he knows i errrrr i regularly stay over the other side of town


Andrew(ajh) said...

Are you getting any specific strength exercises or stretches for your back.

Check out (saw this advertised in a cycling mag) - thought it looked interesting.

MorseyRuns said...

Ewwwww- I don't want to think my teachers were bunking in with each other on camp- yuck! I have a tent you can borrow that is simple to put up and down. Though, it gets kinda cold out there in the wilderness- you might need some snuggling up to!

Anonymous said...

Kinda weird when workmates talk to you like that, specially so when you are sooooooo not interested and then have to face them every day!

Then again I suggested to a run leader mate last night that if he ran with his shirt off I might notice him when he runs around the tan (cos I got into "trouble" for not seeing him one night), I am now really really hoping he knows I was taking this piss LOL, don't want to get a reputation now do I ;-)