Monday, February 4, 2008

...hmmm lifes no fun at the moment

..soooooo i lasted the whole alcohol...ho hum... people arent as what a little alco i am~~~~~~~~~~~~~
..i succumbed and had a coke zero- i was very silly and had a cold one in hte fridge= it only took a minute of lapse....bugger today was busy....
..and i had a horrible horrib le dream where 'my friend'was really not very nice to me.. here's the heads up boys..if youre mean to a girl in a dream...she can be a little put out with you even tho she knows you didnt do anything.... lol...
then went running... omg th leggies were like lead.. 30mins slow..but was NOT easy at all... and after 25 mins the back was very very stopped and stretched and continued..... then i did lunges, squats(and surprisingly my back was sore during these),pushups(30) and some reverse back thingies, and 2x45s planks and 2x30 side planks..............and now im almost having a panic attack..ummmmmm im having some pain in my leg...almost like the referred pain i got when the back was really bad..... im trying to tell myself its not that...but im feeling very very stressed..last time it got worse over the course of a day or two.... :(

not happy


Anonymous said...

Please go and get the leg and back thing checked out Jo. We really don't want you injured again do we!

jojo said...

yeah, ive decided not to do my hard session i was supposed to do(i will go water running which doesnt hurt the back) and i have physio tomorrow.. so there you err-ing(hopefully) on the side of caution :( :( not pretty stressed about it

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breathe and learn to live with reinjury paranoia, I have "oh my god I have stress fractures again" moments at least twice a week, very annoying.

Chin up, you are 4 days in now LOL

Anonymous said...

that of course would be "breath"