Monday, February 11, 2008


..ok so i was a little cranky last night(in case you didnt pick that
..much better today..and ended up having a good nights sleep anyway

2day was a rest day ..or a swim... so i elected to have a rest day(what a surprise GIVEN i sink when i swim)... both achilles were really quite sore today..and the back..well the less said the better.. lets just say i am currently strapping it... and will probably get stu to tape it for me(as i offered to take him out for dinner tonight)
..lately ive only been taping for racing or long run..but it needs to be taped for the whole week i think.. and since ive had this taping on since sat and done a water run and 13km run yesterday...well its starting to get a bit skanky was good today..except for one year 12 boy that is a bit of a pain in the butt..i was discussing how to randomly pick data(with the calc) and hes like whats to stop me just writing numbers down and pretending the calculator picked them.... ummmm derrrrrr NOTHING..but dont be so stupid as to say it to me.. seriously!!!!imagine the look cos it would have been scary! a slight head ache today which i think is due to dehydration, my gf and i worked out just how much we drank on saturday... OMG... but it was over 6 hours i guess..but OMG it was a lot..and neither of us were ridiculously drunk but we both felt it somewhat the next day
..oh and andrew, heels have the achilles in a non stretched state(which is why you often wear heel lifts with achilles probs) (and ok not heels quite that big)its the back that dont love the heels... although having said that i am planning on wearing those boots tonight...whilst i get told im lazy(kidding)..... lol... i wonder if he would let me do the zoo run tomorrow.. maybe i should liquor him up before i


JH said...

Yes - I was going to ask yesterday how you figured out you weren't "annoying-drunk". Surely that's up to the people around you to decide?

Anonymous said...

I am a sinker too - it makes swimming so much harder. Then the other day I read that "lean, well-muscled athletes" are often sinkers, that made me feel better!