Thursday, June 28, 2007 vanity did not prevail

.. i got as close to a real run as i have been since the ..Incident of hte compressed nerve..shhhhhh dont say it too might start thinking its time to be compressed again...

anyway my physio had said 35 mins runnning today..but i also asked if i could run on harder surfaces which she said yes to ..but didnt cut the distance..but me being the reformed get back to runnning runnner i am decided to make it shorter... 2 lots of ten minutes to start i think..
so i went to the Tan..all nervous and excited yet quite calm(you may remember the tan session i ran last time was the precursor to the sciatica type icident)
anyway ran the following..not fast striding out..jusr keeping a reasonable,light,cadence
1.827 km 10:11 so 5:34 min/km
1.827 km 9:46 so 5:21 min/km
so only 20 mins overall..felt very restrained..but the proof will be in the pudding tomorrow..i nervously await waking up!

now to the title..i told my 3year old niece i would come over and play 'nailpolish with her' which was all fine and good(she loved it) however i was unaware that she would be doing mine....and since i was going out straight from her house..i couldnt even redo without her i had embarassingly bad nails tonight LOL so no vanity did not prevail ..i let my niece think she had a done a wonderful job

out to dinner tonight with the school dessert..and then drove home..was tempted to drink more but didnt...good girl jojo

mouth still sore(quite sore now) but slowly getting better..although the accidental headbutt kiss from my niece just about killed me... s'ok jojo not too bad... was her response


Kathy said...

You're a very sweet aunty.

Looking forward to hearing how you're feeling tomorrow. Good on you for showing restraint.

MorseyRuns said...

With a bit of training you might have your own pedicurist there- some gentle hints and my niece Daisy files really well now!