Tuesday, June 26, 2007

..um..was that really me yesterday????

...ummmm..what a grumpy little cow i was yesterday.. id like to say some alien typed that yesterday but nope that was just me in all my ingloriousness...
..lol..its hard work being in a bad mood like that..I was exhausted today..
anyway shakes that ff.. today was much better..glute pain had subsided smewhat and i had a meeting at my new schoool to discuss classes..there are certainly some challenges there..
..and then i had a sports massage with Em's MT.. She was extremely good..Some people will know her as CV from ausrun... she certainly gets right in there.. i was obviously tight in lots of places(especially since this was my 2nd ever massage) and apparently the glute max is not firing quickly enough which is why glute medius is doing so much work...back is tight as anything..and well the calves..ouchies..
..and apparently i have some bits,..indicative of shin splints..but i think they are from long ago..i used to get sore shins if i ran consecutive days or walked really fast without warming up..havent had those pains for a long time...but it was a little surprising none the less..and makes me conscious f it..

my physio has just sent me a new program for next two weeks..but told me she thinks i have overdone it last two weeks...(i followed her instructions though ???) anyway im not sure if she's going to allow me to run coliban or not now... as there is NO mention of going onto harder surfaces.. :(

so today is HEAPS better day for little miss jo... sorry to anyway who had to read that hideously foulmooded version of myself yesterday lol

EM: have a great time in Queensland
SARA: keep the boys on their toes in Sydney ;)

1 comment:

Celeste said...

We all go through bouts of crankiness! Glad you are feeling better today!

(Don't over do it!!!!)