Friday, June 22, 2007

..ooooooooh antici......pation

so im psyched!.. even tho im not racing! tomorrow i get to be a pretend competitor!!!
em... soooooooo happy you are on the comeback trail..will have to compare re-entry training..
a gf came over today at 5 for an hour for a wine but ended up staying til 9 or so..bit tiddly now...

hows this..i knew the BOY had NOOOOOOOO idea..he called me yesterday and is like..well i didnt ,mean it the way you took it(cos yes i was less mature than i meant to be and sent a message)

can i just say in my defence its because i think people should be accountable and if they dont get told its unacceptable then how do they know not to continue doing so????

anyway BIG discussion..including my...(after he reiterated that it seemed OK to email me ralationship stuff)..IF you had called me ..then I have right of reply and can also clear up any confusion..rather than me just reading between lines(which I do)..pltthhthhtht..then he sucked up to me for a bit and is like do you want to meet up next still a little rational although very annoyed and am like ..well you CAN call me and we'll see..

Having said that...Im not sure..plttthththht..STUPID BOYS
thank you to stu and sara for putting up with me venting last night!BIG TIME

emmm..your fault i dont do this crap..but its LIKE being dared
1. Where is your cell phone? somewhere
2. Relationship? spelled????????

3. Your hair? rainbow

4. Work? LOL

5. Your sister? leaving :(
6. Your favourite thing? jumping

7. Your dream last night? um have to refrain from comment

8. Your favourite drink? white

9. Your dream car? who cares
10. The room you’re in? lounge

11. Your shoes? none

12. Your fears? FAT
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? happy

14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? drinkers!

15. What are you not good at? relationships

16. Muffin? NONE(i i a girl??)

17. Wish list item? sis stay in aus :(
18. Where you grew up? Bonbeach

19. The last thing you did? texted
20. What are you wearing? BLACK
21. What are you not wearing? boots
22. Your pet? bad with pets
23. Your computer? :)
24. Your life? everchangeable
25. Your mood? excited
26. Missing? running

27. What are you thinking about? food

28. Your car? chick
29. Your kitchen? clean
30. Your summer? sunburn
31. Your favourite colour? purple
32. Last time you laughed? everyday

33. Last time you cried? once a month!

34. School? work
35. Love? christian(my on again off again for 15 years forever now!)
I tag Sara, Kathryn, and Deege(and id like to see answers from Stu and Andrew but i think they might just ignore me)

Em..i had to talk to myself a LOT..but i kept it SHORT n SWEET LOL cya tomoz!

1 comment:

Stu Mac said...

oh well, the unofficial tag rules are you can tag three people, not five!