Friday, June 8, 2007 chafe or not to chaff..ouchies

chafe (chāf) Pronunciation Key
v. chafed, chaf·ing, chafes
To wear away or irritate by rubbing.
To annoy; vex.
To warm by rubbing, as with the hands.

1. to mock, tease, or jest in a good-natured way; banter: She chaffed him for working late. They joked and chaffed with each other.
–noun 2. good-natured ridicule or teasing; raillery.

i wish it had been chaffing that i received at the pool(id love one of the guards to heckle that all you got...i could outrun you with one leg..would be hysterical)
...alas alak I was chafed..2 nice little lines on my back...goody goody...i think it must be the stitching on the tankini..or else i really am princess and the pea...(you should have seen this thing i had to stop and take out of my shoe was miniscule...jojo you are such a sooky la-la LOL

obviously i went pool running..i obviously have one of those faces..if i am alone..the pool guards always come and talk to me..oh yeah Em.. the girl asked after you yesterday..where's your friend...shes..puff puff(thats my heavy breathing) in SYD..puff puff.. HR was at 168 ish!

ok so today did the ladder..30sec rest between each hard
these were hte hards in minutes 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 HR at 160-169 and then i did a steady run for the next 20 mins to bring it to an hour with HR between 138-142 mostly
so was pretty pleased with that effort

had an ABOMINABLE nights sleep...dont you just love the word it possible to see that word and NOT think of hte abominable bit tired..nothing a few hundred wines wont fix tho..i might see how many times i can legitmitely use the word abominable tonight!!!!someone once dared me to squeeze in some of my jo-words 5x each into a convo without it being noticed! he sat there and listened..yep got em all in..but i think i was talking so much that the person just left dazed and confused and not sure what hit them!!!!!! LOL

had a great night last night

ciao sorry its an essay..but as I always say Im a talker ME....

OH YEAH...from yesterdays post:
I WAS REFORMED JO...can you believe it...(i barely can) there was a lot of self congratualtions going on in the inside my head talk..if it was possible to do a HI-FIVE in your head then I woulda LOL


Anonymous said...

Owie, I have had a few pool chafes too, funny I have used more body glide since I stopped running.

you have reminded me, I was going to play a game where I pick a random word from the dictionary and try to work it into my post, must start that tomorrow.

jojo said...

em.try rambunctious, brother once used this to describe me..and i love it!