Sunday, June 3, 2007

..which pain is which

the 3 year old party was absolutely adorable yesterday! although way too much lifting of my nieces (including the 3 year old) so i was a bit concerned about the back.... so i decided not to do the trial run yesterday.. good

then went shopping along chapel and then to albert park hotel..only a quiet night.. out til midnight

woke up this morning very excited because it was time to do the trial run...sports doc had said 15 mins was at 8am on a sunday i was out the door..unheard of for me

i noticed my 'core' was fatiguing so at 10 mins i stopped and walked (was very sensible) and then started about 13.5 mins running i noticed something in my ankle..and i was tossing up as to whether it was referred pain or just ankle pain
..which pain is which.. it also happens to be my dodgy ankle that i sprained both ligaments and it sometimes get sore..after debating in my head whether to continue to the 5 mins..i decided to be good and stopped at 14 mins
so all up 14 mins of sloooooow jogging..lots of stretching and feeling tentatively pleased

the proof will be in the pudding tomorrow though.. so again fingers crossed..(theres been a lot of that lately)
edit: went and did 700m in the that seems to help my back.. was a bit concerned this arvo when i slipped on the step..luckily didnt hit the ground but landed kinda heavily and awkwardly trying to regain footing..gave me a bit of a scare..hopefully its all good..nice to be back running :)

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